~It's Time~

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Amelia's pov

We're waiting for Logan and Jake to get back from the store since me and Lexi sent them out to get us food. I can't help it since I'm nine months pregnant. I'm getting impatient since I'm so hungry. I'm showing Lexi the nursery because she was begging me to show her. I opened the door the nursery and walked in as Lexi followed.

"This is it"

"Oh my god Amelia! This is so cute!"

"I feel like it took forever to decorate"

"I love it so much"

"Thank you, I painted the color of the wall since you suggested it"

"The color is really nice"

We heard the front door open so we left the nursery and went downstairs. The boys spotted us and smiled.

"We have your food" Logan said with a smile on his face

"Thank you boys" Lexi said

"Lets go put the snacks in the kitchen" Jake said as he motioned us to the kitchen

We went in the kitchen and grabbed a few bowls for the food. We also grabbed drinks. Then we all walked out into the living room and sat on the couch. Lexi grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. After a few minutes we decided on the movie Collateral Beauty. (I loved this movie so much so if you haven't seen it i strongly suggest you watch it)

When the movie was over we cleaned up our mess. I grabbed the snack bowls while Jake and Lexi grabbed the empty drink cans and Logan went in the kitchen and opened the garbage for us. After everything was put away and cleaned up we just sat down in the kitchen. 

"Amelia showed me the nursery while you boys were gone" Lexi said

"What did you think?" Logan asked

"I love the room It was so cute!" Lexi said

"Did you see it yet Jake?" I asked

"Yeah Logan showed me the last time I came over, I really like it" Jake said

"It took a while to- oh shit" I said 

I felt water running down my leg. My water just broke. I am going into labor. Holy shit!

"Whats wrong Amelia?" Logan asked 

"My-my water just b-broke" I said

*After the birth* (I'm to lazy to write)

Third person pov

Amelia looked down at her daughter in awe. Amelia and Logan both had huge smiles on their faces and watery eyes. 

"What are we gonna name her?" Logan asked Amelia

"Hazel Hart-Paul" Amelia answered

"I love it" Logan said as his looked at his soon to be wife

Later on everyone came to see Amelia and Hazel. Everyone adored her. Evelyn and Jake were made Hazel's godparents. Every once in a while Amelia would notice that Peyton was disappearing from the room for a long amount of time. What was Peyton up to?

*At Home*

Amelia's pov

Ever since we got home from the hospital Logan has been very cautious and it's been very funny to watch him act like this since he is still a crazy vlogger. It's been about a week since the birth. Things have been going really well and everyone is helping out. My mom is even staying with us for the next few days. 

Peyton has been acting really weird and secretive. She will leave the room for a long time then come back in the room. One of the times she left the room I followed her and heard her talking on the phone with someone. I couldn't make out what they were saying but she was being very cautious trying to make sure nobody heard her. I'm not sure what's going on but I hope I find out soon. 

Anyways, Logan and I have discussed our wedding plans since the wedding is in two months. It seems crazy to think that we are getting married that soon. Actually, it has been a long time since Logan proposed one month into the pregnancy. Brendan (his videographer) is going to film our wedding, take photos, and all that stuff. Brendan has actually filmed Hazel this week since the birth so Logan can spend more time holding Hazel instead of the Vlog camera. He's also been very helpful around the house.

I am very grateful to have met all of these wonderful people and I honestly don't know where I would be without them. When I first came to Los Angeles I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing with my life. I didn't really have any plans. I has just gotten out of a bad situation, well it wasn't a bad situation it was just a sad time and I needed to start over. I needed a fresh start and that's exactly what I got.

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