~I Forgive You~

859 14 2

Peyton's pov

I was being released from the police station today. My month in jail is finally over. I guess I deserved it.  I didn't really get any visitors so it seemed like the month went by really slow.

I'm nervous about whats going to happen to my friendships with the others. I'm sure they hate me for what I did. I feel absolutely feel terrible for it. I just hope somehow I can try and fix our relationships. I know things can't go back to the way they were but I want to at least try to fix things. 

The lady at the front desk of the police station just gave me my phone and said I was free to go. I thanked her and walked out of the building. I unlocked my phone and got an uber to come pick me up. After that was done I got a message from Amelia. 

Chat between Amelia and Peyton


Hey I just heard you are getting released from the station. I was wondering if you could come over when you are out? I'd like to talk. Let me know if you decide to come.


I just got out. I ordered an uber so I'll be over in about ten minutes if that's ok with you?


Sure see you soon


See you bye

She wants me to come over now so we can talk. I'm shocked that she even reached out to me. I'm sure she has a lot of questions and hates me now. I guess I've just got a lot of explaining to do.


We had just pulled up in front of her house. I'm extremely nervous so I took a few deep breaths. I thanked the driver and payed him. Then I got out of the car and headed to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited. After a few seconds Amelia opened the door. 

"Hi Peyton," She greeted me

"Amelia...Hey" I said

"Come on in" She said as she moved out of the way so I could walk in.

We headed into the living room and both took a seat on the couch. It was silent for a few seconds until she spoke up.

"As I said when I texted you I just want to talk" She told me

"Yeah I'm sure you have questions for me" I said to her

"Yeah I do have questions," She said to me

"I have answers so go ahead and ask me anything you want" I told her

"Can you tell me what happened? Like how did this even start?" SHe asked me

"Well, One day I got a message from an unknown number and it was a threat saying that I will have to kidnap your daughter Hazel and give her to Jessica, She said that if I didn't do it she would kill someone that I love. At the time I didn't know it was Jessica but I later found out that it was." I told her

"She threatened to kill someone you love?!" She asked me with a shocked expression

"Yeah and I just couldn't let that happen. For all i know she could have killed you or anyone that we know"

"Remind me again who is Jessica?" She asked

"Jessica North. She is Logan's ex and she still loves him. She found out that you were his new love and that you guys have a daughter. Jessica said she wanted to make your life a living hell. So she started with taking Hazel away from you but making me take the fall for it"

"I can't believe this happened, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that" She said to me

"No, I'm sorry. I should've gone to the police or i should've told someone. I'm sorry for everything you went through. I can't imagine how you felt in the few days she was gone. Amelia, I am so sorry" I said to her

"It's okay Peyton, I Forgive You" She told me


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading. And Thank you guys so so much for 100 votes on this story it means a lot to me.

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