~Baby Number Two~

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*Six Months Later*

Amelia's pov

Lately I've been feeling sick and throwing up in the morning. I'm starting to feel like I am pregnant. I called Evelyn to ask her to bring a pregnancy test for me. She agreed and now shes on her way over now. Part of me wants to be pregnant but the other half doesn't.

I want to be pregnant because I want a bigger family with Logan. I want more kids with him and I know he wants kids too. I also don't want to be pregnant because I'm scared that Logan is going to think we are moving to fast and that we shouldn't have the baby.

I know he would be supportive but he might feel like its happening too fast. We only got married five months ago. Hazel is only 14 months. I don't want to rush into this but at the same time I do.


So its official. I am pregnant. I just need to tell Logan. He is sitting in the living room right now editing his vlog. I'm nervous about telling him since I don't know how he'll react.

"Hey babe can we talk?"

"Sure what's up?"

"As you know I've been feeling sick a lot in the past few days,"


"I came to the conclusion that I was probably pregnant so I took a test and it was positive, so we're having another baby!"

He jumped up from the couch and tackled me into a hug.

"You're pregnant!"


"Baby number two"

"Yeah, baby number two"


*Five months later*

It was official that we were having a baby boy. I was so thrilled to find out. Logan is really excited too. We're having baby number two and it's a baby boy!

After we told everyone the news they were all so happy for us. I can't wait for Lexi or Evelyn wait not Evelyn she's too young, but I can't wait for Lexi to have a baby. I'm really happy for everyone else.

Lexi and My brother Brendan have been getting really serious. I've always liked them as a couple and when they broke up before I was so heartbroken because I wanted them to last. It's kind of funny now to think about since there back together now.


It was a few nights after we told everyone that I was pregnant and we were all hanging out at our house. I love our friend group and I love how close we've all gotten with each other. Suddenly Lexi stood up and Brendan stood next to her. I guess they have an important announcement.

"So we have some important news to share with everyone," Lexi started

"We are engaged!" Brendan announced

We all said congratulations but they stopped us indicating there was more news to share. What else could they be telling us?

"About a month ago I found out that I was pregnant!" Lexi said with a huge smile on her face

Once again everyone congratulated them and said we were happy for them.

"How far along are you?" I asked Lexi

"I am now three months pregnant" she told me

"Wait so this means our babies are only going to be two months apart?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, our babies are gonna be best friends like us!" She said almost screaming

I was so happy that she was pregnant. And the fact that they would only be about two months apart was so awesome. I'm glad that it's happening now so our kids will grow up together and become great friends like their moms.


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