I feel like my heart is broken~Authors Note

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I just found out from my mom that some people at me and my brothers school are bullying him. My brother has bad acne but who cares? He is using medicine to help get rid of it. These kids at school bully him about his acne and he won't tell anyone about it. I don't know there names but if I did I would literally beat the shit out of them. There is also this kid on his hockey team. I always thought he was a dick but honestly the next time I see him I want to beat the literal shit outta him. He said some shit like "Dude, Why don't you try proactiv for your face" I'm sure he said something else. My mom told me not to tell anyone but I think I'm going to tell my best friend about it and tell her the name of the kid on the team. My brother has cried over the amount of acne he has on his face. My brother NEVER cries. He's a year older than me. People at our school bully him. I don't know there names since he won't tell my mom. If I knew there names I swear I would punch them. When my mom told me this I felt like my heart had broke a little. He is my brother and I love him so damn much. If anyone was bullying him I would stand up to them and physically hurt them. Technically that's bullying but it's not since I would just get in a fight with them. I have cried once tonight and I have teared up the other few times. Honestly I just needed to rant about this to someone so I came on here and decided to share it with you guys. If anyone wants to you can private message me. I would really appreciate if someone did message me and talk about this with me. You don't have to though. I just needed to get this out of my system.


In My Heart || Logan Paul✔️Where stories live. Discover now