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So far they day has been going great for Avni. Fantastic even, without much drama, some moments more fantastic and amazing than the others. But all in a nutshell fantastic.

The most amazing part of her day was when Neil kissed her telling her that he wants her to feels his lips on hers all day long. The time they spent at the mall was also wonderful. She enjoyed so much with Neil and she is going to value all those moments that she spends with him. She had so much fun just roaming about holding each other's hand while shopping in the mall and then the mini coffee date they had due to her suggestion. She felt so close to Neil at that moment, closer than she has ever felt with anyone in her life. She is starting to feel so cozy and much free with him. She feels and some part of her know for sure that she can share anything with Neil and he won't judge her for it. He would understand, he just gets her period. She feels she can share her most intimate thoughts with him. She wants to share everything with him. Her thoughts, her dreams, her heart desires, her aspirations, her fear and everything. She just wants to be around him all the time, 24/7. Neil is the love of her life and she had found him after going through so many hardships and pains.

After everything that happened in her life when she was a kid, she stopped believing in God and many other things. That was when God gave her Neil. She doesn't know what she did in her previous life to be given such a fantastic person in her life, she loves Neil, he is her life and her destiny and the fact that he also loves her just as much makes her heart dance in elation. She had made a promise to her self today when Neil went to order for their coffee at the mall. She promised herself that she would never let go of Neil in her life, no matter the situation, no matter the hardship they face, she would always hold on tight to him. As she knows he would never leave her too. He would always be here to catch her fall. He would always stand by her. He is her rock.

Avni sighed as she rinsed her hair, her life is so beautiful and so perfect now as she never had imagined before. Neil made her life colorful. Her life was so dull with only on purpose until she met Neil. Those nok-joks, the challenges, the anger and irritation they felt towards each other those times when they first met, were sometimes the high light of her day. He gave her a reason to smile even then. He made her start to believe in humanity and men. She learnt to trust again because of him. He was so cutely stubborn and adamant .he does what he wants no matter the obstacle when she first met him. She still smile when she remember the way he apologized to her giving her a punching bag with his face on it. It was so cute and adorable.

Now that she has discovered the feelings of having Neil's lips on her, she wants to never stop kissing him. Kissing Neil is one of the best feeling in the world, close to the feeling of love for Neil in her heart. She felt so vulnerable and lost in the kisses. Yet she felt so loved and treasured and protected and most importantly safe when he kisses her deeply. She feels his love, how much he loves her, which is a lot and she also feels his want for her. After kissing Neil so many times today, she feels closer to him both physically and emotionally as well. Even those kisses he gives her on her forehead and cheeks are the sweetest.

As she is toweling her hair after getting dressed in some t-shirt and shorts, she just wants to go to Neil so that they can start kissing each other, in between flirting and eating. She just wants to feel that tingly and hot feelings at the pit of her stomach when they kiss. And the big warm hugging's too. Hugging Neil is so satisfying and wonderful. Now that they have successfully taken Mishti from Vidyut's clutches, they will be going back home very soon and at home they won't have the time or privacy to do all this things much. And also she knows there will be a lot of tension due to all the lies they spoke to the family. She knows the family will be angry and very disappointed with them, but Neil said he would handle it and she doesn't want to think about it now. She wants to take advantage of these time she has with Neil as much as she can. She knows for a fact the family will take tome before cooling down and forgiving them completely.

AvNeil - LIFELINE (COMPLETED)✓Where stories live. Discover now