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In all his 27 years of life, Neil Khanna has been through so many emotions and so many situations.

He also thought that he has seem all there is to see in this life.

He has been happy and also sad.

He has seen death and also pain.

He has seen sickness and also health.

He has been content and also he has been through times where he wished for more.

He has been through tough times and situations. He has seen people going through tough times and has also helped some people out of tough times and situations.

Neil has been in love and there was also a time where he thought he was in love.

He has seen love, real, true, pure and selfless love. He has even felt it.

Hatred, malice and enmity too he has seen and felt.

He has been in helpless situations and there were times he felt like the king of the world.

He has seen aggression and cordiality.

He has seen insolence and also benevolence.

Neil has been scared in his life and he also been in tricky situations.

Neil has been in danger with his life in so many uncountable times and there were also times that he really felt he won't survive to see the next day.

He has felt strength and also weakness.

He has seen confidence and nervousness in his life.

In short, in his short time of life, he believed to must have felt at least almost all the emotions there is known to mankind, he believed that is.

But oh boy, how wrong he was. If he thought he has seen and felt all in his life before his present moment, he now knows of how strongly wrong he thought.

The way Neil is feeling right at that moment is something he never thought he had ever felt in his life.

All those feelings that he has felt and all those situations he has been has not prepared him what he is feeling.

Neil is just currently feeling so many indescribable emotions at one moment, so many of them choked up in one place, it feels like the roller coaster ride of emotions he had had for the last months were nothing in comparison to what he is feeling at that moment.

They are right now outside the delivery room in City Hospital where Avni is in labor, obviously.

The whole family is there and some of their friend too, they have been there for more than 6 hours and 5 of those hours, Neil has being in the delivery room with Avni holding her hands, wiping her sweats and just being there for her as she goes through this painful experience of bringing their child into the world.

Neil has heard about childbirth many times in his life time, he has even heard about hoe painful it was to women, but in all his imaginations and thoughts he never has thought that it was this painful and stressful. Being witness to all these and also the pregnancy period has made Neil love and respect his parents much more than before, especially his mother. He also has found a new respect for all the females all around the world because 'boy, being a female is not easy, it demands respect' he thought in his head.

With all these stress and pains and tears and more stress and smiles and stress and excitement and stress and happiness and stress and tension and stress and panic and many other emotions, Neil wouldn't change these 9 months for anything.

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