Intimacy: II

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(kind of mature)

Neil was so touched with what he read, he just wants to see Avni so that he could hug her tight and tell her that he was not really angry at her, he was just angry about the situation and also scared that something might happen to her. As he turned around to start looking for her because he was sure she was there, he saw her standing there behind him, looking at him with a very cute puppy dog expression, her hand on her ears.

Avni - sorry.

Neil swiftly walked to Avni and gathered her in his arms for a moment without saying anything before he released her from his embrace, holding her face in his hand he said to her while looking her in the eyes

Neil - I am sorry too.

Avni made a confused face about why he is apologizing to her. Seeing her expression Neil answered Avni's unasked question with

Neil - I am sorry I couldn't explain myself to you and instead just got angry. But I will have you know wifey that I was not really angry with you. I am angry with the situation and also myself. So please forgive me.

Avni - please Neil don't say sorry. I now understand where you are coming from and I won't really mind if you were really mad at me because I know that you are scared something might happen to me, but don't worry because I am not. I know that nothing can really ever happen to me when you are there

Neil - well I can't really be with you for all the 24 hrs. Everyday right? No matter how much I want to be.

Avni - Neil, please let's not talk about that okay. Why determine a future we are not so sure of what could happen when we can just enjoy our present?

Neil - really?

He asked with humor in his voice because he understand where she is talking the conversation to.

Avni - yeah, really.

She replied to him very cutely.

Neil he smiled and kept his hand on her waist bringing her closer to his body.

Neil - well okay then Mrs. Khanna. Please tell me what the things we could enjoy in our present are.

Avni - well, you can start enjoying your present by going to the washroom now.

Neil - washroom?

Neil asked puzzled because that was not what he was expecting her to say.

Avni - yes washroom?

Neil - I am going to enjoy myself in the washroom?

He asked her again with still the puzzled expression on his face.

Avni - why would I go to the washroom to enjoy for?

Neil - well that is what I am trying to understand too. Why would you send me to the washroom to enjoy my present time?

Hearing what Neil said Avni started laughing and Neil didn't like the fact that she was laughing at him. He said

Neil - now why are you laughing? I only asked a logical question, I don't see how that could be funny.

Avni - seriously Neil,

Avni said after she stopped he laughter when she saw that Neil was starting to get offended with her laughter.

Avni - I asked you to go to the washroom so that you can freshen up and then we can have the dinner I have laid for us.

Neil - oh!

That was the only sound that came put if his mouth because he felt embarrassed with himself for thinking that Avni was telling him to go and enjoy in the washroom.

Avni - yeah oh! Now go.

She said pushing him towards the direction of the washroom.

Neil - wait.....

He said when he was almost at the door to the washroom

Neil - did you make that food?

Avni - why? Any problem you got with that ACP Neil Khanna?

She asked him while glaring at him. It was as if she was daring him to say anything about her cooking at that time.

Neil - no...

He quickly answered

Neil - what problem would I have with that wifey?

And then he entered the washroom.

** ** *** *** ***

Dinner had been great and Neil really enjoyed himself. The talked, really talked with each other after what seemed like forever to both of them. He told her of his fears and concerns about her safety. She told him of her concerned about Mishti's future. They talked about how they are going to solve the Vidyut issue and everything, they spoke about the weather, the office, the family and everything.

After they have finished the food which was very delicious, Neil was very sure it was nit Avni that made the food but he kept his mouth shut about his discovery, Neil helped Avni to clear the place and also to wash to utensils.

One thing led to another while washing the plates in the kitchen and they just started making out right there. It started with kissing, light ones here and there. On the lips, on the neck, on the cheek, behind the ear etc. just light pecks and kisses and then Neil started sucking a junction near her neck, on the spot that she was mist sensitive. Avni couldn't hold herself, she just grabbed Neil's face, making his lips lose contact from her neck and brought the lips to her own lips which Neil started kissing frantically.

He was kissing her like a drowning man and she was the only means of his survival.

Neil was sure that neither he nor Avni knew how they ended up on the bed, they just kind of found themselves there where they just continued with their heaving petting after Neil had adjusted himself on top of her.

Slowly but steadily, they began to lose their clothing until they lost it all. Neil couldn't tell who undressed whom, but then who cares? They just carried on with their foreplay because it has passed the stage where you can call it a make out session.

When it was time for Neil to take a the final step which will make them one forever and ever body and soul, he paused and looked into Avni's eyes asking for permission if he should continue or stop, Avni simple just shifted closer to him urging him to enter her and that answered all his questions, so without any further waste of time, he entered her slowly until he was completely inside of her to the hilt.

Knowing it was her first time, well it is his first time also but men don't feel pain during their first time, so he stayed still for some moment waiting for Avni to get used to him in her body. After sometime, Avni begin to wiggle from under him, so he withdrew from her slowly until he was completely out of her warm place, before moving back inside her completely.

They made love that night very slowly, Neil taking his time to love her completely and thoroughly and after they came together, Neil held Avni in his arms tightly, very close to his heart that he was sure she could feel his heartbeats. He held her like his lifeline which she is, occasionally giving her light kisses on her lips and forehead telling her how much he loves her until she dosed off in his arms.

Neil couldn't sleep at that moment, he just laid there watching her sleep. As he held her in his arms, he just feeling completely different. If he thought he was madly in love with Avni before, then he doesn't know what to call the emotion he was feeling at the moment. He felt different and it was not because he just made love with the love of his life. No, it was because, Avni has given him a piece of herself and he had also given her a piece of himself. The intimacy hey shared was not all physical, no, it was a connection shared so deeply he felt like he has touched her soul, just the way she had touched his.


hello guys.i am dam proud of my self that i was able to update before the 24hrs. please do tell me how you found this part because this is the first time i am writing anything mature. i don't usually proofread my works because i hate reading my works, so please anywhere you see a mistake or an error do inform me about it.

and if you like or love the update, please let me know through your votes and comments.

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