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He has been in the camp for 10 minutes now and all he has heard is stupid apologies from the camp organizer and school principal were just stupid plain apologies. MR. Vidyut R. doesn't want their stupid apologies, He doesn't need their apologies and he doesn't want their apologies all he wants is Mishti and her governess, he wants them in front of him. He is getting headache from all the noise they are making. The first thing he did was to fire those incompetent asses that call themselves bodyguards. He couldn't even believe that he hired them in the first place. The only reason why he didn't shoot them was the presence of people and the police. Even the great Vidyut R. knows when and where to commit a crime. But seriously, they better never come across him again in the future because they won't be as lucky.

He is currently sitting on a chair that was provided for him to sit, watching the police question the parents and teachers about where they saw them last time the three of them were seen and when? The most annoying thing is that no one can tell the real name of the trainer, everyone is just saying Mr. trainer, Mr. trainer, this trainer is supposed to have a name. This fact is making him more and more angry, who can they work someone without really knowing their name? Everyone and everything is annoying him so much that he fears of doing something abruptly in front of the police. That was when he heard one of the teachers saying she has a picture of the trainer.

Seriously speaking, Vidyut is getting more annoyed and irritated with all this and he was already boiling with anger. Anger and irritation are never a good combination to anyone, and when it comes to Vidyut r. it was all another matter entirely the police force seemed so incompetent to him, they are just looking for information about the trainer saying that they might find a clue from him. What clue? Vidyut has no bloody idea, he has no business with the trainer, and he doesn't really care if he is alive or dead, he doesn't give a damn. I mean he doesn't even know the guy. He just wants Mishti and Ananya Verma at any cost. The only way he could be concerned with the trainer is if he was the one that took Mishti and Ananya Verma with him and if that is so......., hmmm, he is not even going to think about what he was going to do with the guy.

Just as he I about to tell the police to stop wasting his time looking for information on the trainer and start really looking for Mishti, that was when he heard one of the police inspectors mention

Police inspector - are you sure this is the trainer?

Sakshi - yes definitely, this is the head trainer

Police inspector - but how is that possible? This is ACP Neil Khanna

Hearing that Vidyut stood up from his chair so fast that the chair shifted from its place and fall backwards.

Vidyut - what are you saying?

He demanded furiously

Police inspector -I am saying the truth sir, this is ACP Neil Khanna, he stays in Mumbai

Vidyut - what do you mean by ACP Neil Khanna!

Police commissioner - calm down Mr. Vidyut, let me see the picture. I know ACP Neil Khanna, he belongs to one of the most elite families here in India. I can easily recognize him, he is one of the best in the police force here in India.

Saying this he collected the phone to see the picture. When he swathe picture, he turned to Vidyut before confirming that he is indeed is really Neil Khanna

Vidyut - but what is he doing here in Goa if he is from Mumbai?

Police commissioner - I will talk to my colleague over three in Mumbai to see about that MR. Vid..... ..

Vidyut - commissioner Saab

Vidyut interrupted impatiently

Vidyut - I still don't know how this ACP is associated to Mishti and Ananya Verma......

That was when he was interrupted by the police inspector saying

Police inspector - sir, here is the profile of ACP from the net and some clear pictures of him and family members and some colleagues also.

He first showed the picture in which Neil is alone to Sakshi and the other teachers who confirmed that he was the head trainer

He passed the phone to them, the commissioner was scrolling through the pictures and he was about to past a picture when Vidyut spoke to him. Vidyut was standing next to the commissioner when he was going through the pictures, as he was standing close to the commissioner, he was able to see the pictures also even though he was not really interested in them that was when he saw a picture of the ACP with a lady, a lady that looked very familiar to him.

Vidyut - wait a minute commissioner, can you go back to the last picture?

He requested.

The commissioner instructed the police inspector to go back to the last pic and show it tp Vidyut

Vidyut - who is this lady with him?

Police inspector - that's his wife

Wife? - said Vidyut and Sakshi together

Sakshi - but he said that he was single

Police inspector- no, he is very much married, he got married a year or so ago

Vidyut - and what is this wife's name?

He asked in a very deadly quite scary voice.

Police inspector - Avni, MRS. Avni Ayesha Neil Khanna

_______ __________ _______

Neil doesn't know how much longer he was going to take this expression Avni was having on her face. He landed in Mumbai some 2 hours ago and the family is still not ready to listen to what he has to say about the reason why they lied.

Earlier this morning when the family members saw Avni with Mishti in the hotel when they were about to leave, they asked about who she was and Neil briefly explained to them that she was Juhi's daughter, they didn't even let him finish explaining when they just turned their faces to the other side.

His mum, Bebe and Neela ma have been behaving very cold to both him and Avni and it was definitely understandable. But what scares Neil the most is the fact that his dad seems to be the most annoyed one of them. When they made the plan to lie to their parents, both Neil and Avni knew that their parents won't be happy with them when the truth is out, but they also thought that Prakash Khanna, their dear beloved father will be the first one to understand why they lied as he is the most understanding member in the whole of their family. But then, as understanding and cool as Prakash Khanna is, he never had his kids lie to him such a big lie before. Neil knew he has to do something about it and fast, but first things first. He has to do something to bring back that beautiful smile back on his wifey's face that has been missing since last night. And Neil Khanna definitely has the perfect idea of what to do that will make Mrs. Avni Neil Khanna forget about all her troubles and laugh whole heartedly. Beware Mrs. Khanna, Mr. Khanna is all ready to seep you off your feet.

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