Me and Mrs. Khanna

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It has been two weeks since their time at the condo and have return back home to Khanna mansion. They both returned after 2 days of spending some quality time alone with each other which they both felt they deserved. Neil didn't want to go back to Khanna house, he even suggested that they should shift back to the condo permanently and live alone only to go Khanna house once in a while because there he doesn't get to spend a lot of time with her because their family members also demand a lot of her time and also because there will be more privacy here. It took Avni a lot of time, efforts and kisses before she could finally convince her husband to lose that thought. It also took her a promise which she made to Neil that she would allow him to plan for a real honeymoon for them soon, that was when he finally agreed to go back home.

Life has been so perfect and beautiful and peaceful in those two weeks. They dint have a lot to worry about, even at the office Neil dint have any major case to solve or anything. There was hardly even a problem everyone was happy and content, the only thing and real problem is Vidyut. Neil and DD have been trying to get hold of him so hat Neil could talk to him and they solve the issue they have between them, but from the reports they got from the private investigator, Vidyut was out of the country. It was only this morning that Neil received a call from DD telling him that Vidyut is back I Mumbai, he was even able to give him the private phone number of Vidyut.

When Neil called the number the first time, it was unreachable, then it was engaged and then the third time, he was finally able to get him on the phone. He introduced himself and told him that he wanted to meet him to discuss something's with him. Vidyut has started denying to meet when Avni who had been sitting beside him listening in on the conversation collected the phone and spoke to Vidyut.

Neil was just looking at Avni when she was talking, after she was done she handed back the phone telling him;

Avni – we will leave by 1pm so that we can reach there by 2.

Neil – we? Who are this we?

He asked her raising one of his eyebrow.

Avni - obviously me and you.

She said it a scoff.

Neil – it can't be me and you because you are not going anywhere.

Avni – and who decided that?

Neil – I did?

Avni – you did but why? I don't understand why I should not go Neil'

She said starting to sound angry.

Neil – why would you want to go there? Why can't you understand that it might be dangerous for you to go in front if that person?

He said starting to get angry himself.

Noticing that Neil was getting angry with the route the conversation was taking, she decided to calm down and explain things to Avni because her getting angry in this situation would not help her. So she said

Avni – listen to me please Neil.

She went on to explain how she knew Vidyut better and how she could speak to him with more level headedness. After a very long discussion and some arguments from Neil's side, she was finally able to convince him to let her go with. No surprise there because everyone knows that ACP Neil Khanna can never deny his wife anything, it might take time but he would surely go with what she said in the end.

Vidyut couldn't believe what had just happened a while ago. If 2 days ago someone told him what just happened will happen he would have definitely asked that person to be taken to the asylum immediately because the whole thing would not have made sense to anybody most especially him. He, Vidyut R. has just returned from a meeting, a lunch meeting with ACP Neil Khanna and his wife Mrs. Avni Neil Khanna alias Ananya Verma at a hotel restaurant. Neil and Avni had called him there to apologize for having taking his child from him without his knowledge, but that is not the most surprising thing. What surprised him the most was that he had forgiven them completely with no hard feelings and no ulterior motives? Forgiveness a virtue he never thought he had, but found himself giving it just like that today.

When he got a call this morning from an unknown number, he was at first not going to attend to the call but something made him attend to it and he still can't pinpoint what it was. The caller introduced himself as Neil Khanna and was asking if he had time to meet because he had something very important he wants to discuss with him. The moment he heard the name Neil Khanna, he was very surprised, shocked even and then he got angry, very angry. He started talking and was going to say a very rude thing when a voice interrupted him. It was the ACP's wife voice, Miss Ananya Verma or Mrs. Avni Ayesha Neil Khanna she had collected the phone from her husband and said to him, Vidyut;

Avni – please Vidyut, before you say anything or deny this meeting, just please think. I know you must be wondering why we would call you and I am sure you will want to talk with us, so please just give it a chance and come to the Golden Dragon by 2:00pm. We will be waiting for you there at the restaurant.

With that she just hung up the phone without even waiting for his reply or response.

Vidyut – I am not going anywhere.

He said to no one in particular keeping his phone away and resuming his works. When it was 1pm, he started contemplating if to go or not, after a lot of argument with himself and contemplations whether to go or not, he finally decide to o and hear what it was they wanted to discuss with him. Then he goy=t ready and left to the hotel Avni told him.
it was exactly 2:00pm when he entered the restaurant, as he stood there when the manager came up to him to ask him who he was there with or his table when he saw Neil and Avni sitting at one of the table to his left, he excused himself from the guy and proceeded towards them. Both Avni and Neil seem to have not noticed his arrival as they both appeared to be in a deep discussion, so when he reached the table, he just sat down and without any greetings, he just looked at both Neil and Avni and said

Vidyut – okay here I am, tell me what it was you wanted to say.


Vidyut sat as he listened to Avni and Neil explain to him why they took Mishti from him and how Juhi lied and told that Neil was the father of Mishti making him believe that he was drunk when things happened between them and that was why he couldn't anything . That she made them believe he, Vidyut is keeping Mishti as hostage. That they had no choice but to buy the story she sold to them. That it was only recently that Neil decided to have a DNA test done so that him, Vidyut cannot come and Mishti in the future. They apologized for causing him trouble and taking his daughter from him. Avni finished the talk saying;

Avni – look Mr. Vidyut, we are sorry that we didn't talk to you at first when she said all those things to us and we are sorry. Both I and Neil will understand if you want to press charges against us.

She said looking his straight in the eyes'.

Vidyut was so fascinated with the way Avni is, he has never met a woman that can look him in the eyes so fearlessly like she does. She was straight forward and direct. She was brave and determined. She was everything he had never seen in a woman and just suddenly as said that last sentence, he felt something in his heart that he had never felt for another woman except his mother in his life. He found himself respecting Avni. She is different. She is a breath of fresh air in a world full of opportunistic women.

"I am not going to press charges"

He found himself saying.

Neil – what did you say?

Neil said him very surprised.

Vidyut – I said that I would not be pressing charges against you for what you did. You were only trying to protect Mishti and I understand.


Hello guy, here is the update, hope you like it. I know most of you might have some questions after reading this part, so feel free to drop your questions in the comment section, I will surely get back at you.

Love =AvNeil

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