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.....Some time ago.....

Neil was crying.

He was crying for himself and Avni.

He was crying for the pain they had to gone through and are still going through.

He was crying for everything and with everything he had.

He had reached his breakdown point and he is completely broken.

He hopes that with the tears, as it flows from his eyes, the pains too would at least reduce the pains inside.

He was so deep in his crying on Avni's lap that he didn't noticed at first but Avni moved her hand.

She moved her hand from her side where it has been resting and moved it to Neil head and started stroking his hair.

She wanted to comfort him.

As she stroked his hairs while he still cried, tears started to leak from her eyes.

They were just flowing and flowing without her any sound coming from her mouth.

It was just silent tears and thus making Neil not notice.

He only took noticed of it when his tears were starting to reduce, he felt a hand in his hair as if trying to calm him.

Shocked as to whose hand it was, Neil sprinted up and what he saw completely shocked him.

His Avni was crying!!!

She is crying!

Another time Neil would not have been happy with the sight of his Avni in tears, but right now, at that moment, he feels as if he has never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.

Avni crying equals Avni reacting and that is what Neil had wanted for the last 2 weeks.

It suddenly felt like a huge load has been lifted off his shoulders.

He sat beside her and moved her to his lap.

Using both of his hands, he held her face that is all tears stained.

Neil – Avni.

He said with more tears in his eyes.

Avni looked at him as she started really crying just then.

She started cracking and making sounds.

Neil didn't know what to do, he just hugged her.

He hugged her very tight.

More tightly than he had ever done before.

He just wanted to feel her as close to him as he can get her to.

After a moment or two, he felt Avni's hand that fell to her side after he sprinted up, he felt her hands coming to his sides and hugging him.

Neil hugged her closer to him if it was even possible with more tears flowing from his eyes.

As soon as he hugged her closer to him, he felt her also breakdown into tears.

She was trembling and crying and Neil was also crying with her.

There they both were on the bed in ach others arm just crying their hearts out to each other.

They were talking and giving solace to each other.

After crying to their hearts out for a long while, Neil broke the hug when he felt Avni has started hiccupping and had also stopped trembling.

With Avni still on his lap, he used his hands to wipe the tears on his face before cupping her face with his hand.

AvNeil - LIFELINE (COMPLETED)✓Where stories live. Discover now