About Last Night

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Avni - you know Neil, you didn't have too to do all these for me to get a smile on my face, and all I need to be happy is you. When you are by my side, I get automatically happy.

Neil smiled, he kissed her hand that he has been holding before saying;

Neil - well you have me baby, you have me for the whole of eternity and beyond. But I wanted to do this, that's why I did it for you. I loved you baby and I would do anything to see that smile you are spotting on your face now permanent.

Avni - you know what Neil?

She said her eyes shining with happiness, laughter and tears.

Neil - what?

He asked while wiping her tears, when he was done wiping the tears, he cupped he face with his hand. Avni leaned into his hand before saying

Avni - I love you

Neil smiled a heart dropping smile, all his perfect white teeth displayed themselves giving him a boyish look making Avni's heart to skip a beat. He looked so perfect at that moment that Avni didn't want to take her eyes off of him, she just wants to keep on looking at him and that was exactly what she did. She just kept on looking at him and as Neil was already he looking at her, he as hardly taken his eyes off her for a moment since she arrived here this evening.

That is how both Avni and Neil sat, saying nothing just looking at each other in the eyes, the wind making soft music sounds in their ears, their hairs especially Avni's was flying about. The golden hue from the lamp lightening the café with the contrasting colorful walls of the café and the flowers and fairy light, made everything look like a dream. The moment and everything looked like a painting, a very beautiful painting. It was their world, just theirs, Avni and Neil's. Their own small little beautiful world that is full of love and quiet. It was beautiful and serene.

After several moments has passed like that without anyone one of them saying anything, and then Neil broke the silence catching hold of Avni's hand in both of his, he said;

Neil - Avni, I know that thing s at home are not perfect at the moment. I know the family members are annoyed and hurt because of what I made you did, but I promise, I will make everything alright. Everything will be as it was before. I promise you that.

Avni - but Neil, why would you alone make things alright? And why do you keep on saying you made me do it? Neil, we are equals and we did this together please stop taking all the blame on yourself.

Neil smiled at Avni before saying

Neil - okay sorry wifey, I won't say that again, we are equals and we did it together.

Avni smile before saying

Avni - good and we will solve it together

Neil - yes we would solve it together.

They were quite again for some moment before Neil said again

Neil - I can't keep my eyes off you wifey, you look so beautiful, you are so beautiful, I don't even have words to describe it and you are all mine. I love you wifey, I love you.

He kissed her hand after saying that.

Avni - you know Neil every time you look me in the eyes and tell me that you love me, I feel as if the whole world has been laid under my feet. I feel like the most beautiful person in the whole when you look at me like that. I know that I don't have to worry about anything in my life as long as I have you in it and that means forever because I don't plan on letting you go from me anytime soon or anytime in this lifetime. I love you Neil, you made my life beautiful, and you completed me. You made me find me and you are my life line. I love you. I can't even imagine a life without you Neil, you are the light that makes my darkness disappears.

Neil - no Avni, you are my lifeline. You know, when you look me in the eyes and tell me that you love, I catch a glimpse of heaven and in your arms I find my paradise. You know because of you now I sit and dream of tomorrow, a tomorrow that I can spend with you, a tomorrow that I can fight everything, every hardship, very pain in both personal and professional lives and it's all because i have you right by my side

Avni - okay, enough now Neil. Please don't make me cry again tonight. See our ice cream has melted. I think we should head back home now, it is getting late.

Neil - home? Really?

Avni -yeah really, let's go.

Neil - as you wish, my lady.

He said standing up from his seat, making and exaggerated bow in from of Avni. Avni just rolled her eyes at Neil smiling before giving him her hand and he led them both to the car where they drove back to the Khanna mansion.

After they reached home, they went straight to their room and thankful that they didn't encounter anyone, but both Avni and Neil suspected that maybe the family members were avoiding them. When in their room Neil used the bathroom first to freshen up and get ready for bed because Avni had too clean her make up. After he was done with the washroom, Avni entered in order to use the place, it was when she was changing her clothes that she remembered that she didn't really say thank you to Neil for what he did for her tonight, so she decide that she would do something for him too.

As soon as she came out if the washroom, she went straight to Neil who was already on the bed prepared to sleep, he was just waiting for her under the duvet. She, Avni went straight to him, Neil, she fell into his arms and kissed him squarely on the lips.


HEY GUYS, another update. i am happy, why am i happy? because i have decided to stop watching naamakarann and not allow keteki and hedge to spoil my mood, i will continue watching after the cvs have fallen out of love with choohi. don't panic friend, but i would keep on writing, in fact i am thinking of starting another story soon, hope you support me on it too.

so, i am a jonas fan and still listen to their old music from when the brothers were still together, so encase you notice something, this chapter was written while i was listening to their song 'when you look me in the eyes', so words are not mine, credit to the real owners. and guys you know the drill, vote and comment.

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