Tensions and Fears

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Neil is angry. he is sad. he is restless and he is also a very annoyed.
He is feeling so many different emotions at the same time but most of all he is very worried.

He is feeling very suffocated. it feels like something is piercing his heart. he just wants to cry so that some of the pain he is in reduces but he knows that he cant cry. he wont be able to cry.

his eyes hurt from lack of sleep, stress among many other things.

he mostly wanted to cry so that he can at least get some relief, even if its a tiny little bit of it from the pain that he is feeling.

a fire is burning in him and it will only be extinguish after his wife, Avni has been found.

Avni has been missing for more than 24 hours now and without any news ,any trails or any clue of where she might be. she has just suddenly just disappeared on him.

The police is trying there best to locate her and Neil is trying his best to remain strong so that he can be useful in her search.
he is trying his to stay calm and collected.

All the family members are at his office in the police station since yesterday. They all are trying to get updates on the case.

Neil tried sending them home with a promise to update them on everything but none left, they all stayed back refusing to leave until Avni has been found.

everyone is stress and worried.

Also, everybody is acting very differently.

Some are crying, some areng in tension.
bebe and nanno are the ones crying, shweta and neela are shouting, giving out instructions to people, telling them to go find their daughter.

Even ali and dd are not themselves. DD is distracted and Ali is scared of losing his best friend again after just finding her.everyone is panicking

the only person who is relatively calm is Vidyut, he is currently giving out instructions to his people and the gang 123.
In all these Prakash Khanna is standing by his son Neil trying to give him silent support and also ready to handle him or hold him when he finally breaks down. he knows how much Neil loves Avni, not only him everyone knows how Neil is crazy about his wife and the thought of anything even Relatively bad or dangerous happening to Avni is extremely scary to him. he knows that Neil is just bottling his feelings and also that if Avni is not found soon he would lose his mind and breakdown.

Neil has never been so scared in his life. yesterday when he was at the office, he suddenly began feeling some unease that he couldn't explain even to himself. he just felt that something is not right.

As soon as he felt that, he picked up his phone and dialed avnis number but it was not going through. after trying for sometime, he thought to try the home line.

he was able to successfully talk to Bheema on the phone who told him that 'Avni didi is not yet back home from taking Mishti baby to Vidyut sir's place'.

dejectedly he hung up the call and tried to do some paper work of some case, but he couldn't for the life of him concentrate om what he was doing.

after trying for some time, he called up Vidyut on the phone. he started panicking a little when Vidyut told him that Avni has left his place a long ago, but then he thought that she might be with Neela ma at her house.

After ending the call with Vidyut, he immediately called up Neela who also told him that Avni has not been to her place. hearing that, Neil became full pledged worried because Avni has never done anything like that to him. he has always known where she was at any moment of time. call him possessive or control freak, but the truth is that he likes knowing where his wife is at all times, it gives him a sense of security. and just the way Avni always yells him where she was, he also always tell her where he is going at all times, even secrete missions. that is what is making him scared.

He quickly left his office with dd to home wishing in his heart that she will be back home before he reaches and that her phone battery might just be dead that is why no one could reach her. That she has just stayed back to run some errands which is the reason why she was late.

The entered his house. to see that Neela Maa is also there and has informed the family about the current situation. They where all panicking and they all bombarded both Neil and DD with questions about Avni as soon as they stepped foot in the house.

Neil tried to calm them down by telling them that she might be stuck in traffic or something else, that they should just wait a little and she might return.
The wait for Avni's return started with seconds, which changed to minute and then hour and now it has
been more than 24hrs she was last seen.
When the driver told them that he had dropped her at some tea shop, they all quickly went down to the
shop but nothing came out of it. It was after a while that Neil remembered the street where the tea
shop is located has a cctv camera.
With the use of his powers in the system and also a little help from the road safety department, it took a
little bit of work before they were able to retrieve all the footage of the day.

Neil and his team sat down and carefully watched all the footages from the time frame that Avni is
supposed to be at the tea shop until the finally were able to spot her in the video.

Through the video, it was discovered that she left the place not long after she was dropped there in a
They were able to get the place number of the taxi from the video which they used to get the information about the owner of the car.

The police and gang 123 have joined hand using their combined forces on the case.

Vidyut too has been helping with his powers making things happen quickly and also handling some
It has been 10minutes since the driver has been called in to the police station.

Neil couldn't go and question him himself because he is not sure if he is going to like what was going to come out of the persons mouth.

He doesn't know how he is going to react when the driver tells him that he doesn't know.

Neil is so tired of not knowing and people also not knowing where his wife could be, so he told dd to carry out the questioning.

As soon as DD left his cabin to go start with the questioning, Neil regretted it. He has been feeling as if he is sitting on pins, the wait is killing him, he just wanted DD to come to him with some news about

As he sat on his sit in his cabin just gazing into space lost in thoughts, he felt someone touch making him conscious of his situation. It was DD, he said;

DD - sir, I think we might have some lead on Bhabhi.

The only thought that came to Neil after hearing that was;

'Please Avni, please be safe'. Just be safe, he prayed in his head.


Okay reasons for not updating,

1. I was travelling on Monday

2. My sister gave birth on Tuesday

3. Wednesday, I had to go to my university for accommodation purposes.

4. Thursday, an idiot hacked my Instagram account and made a porn page or something like that.
so l was pissed all day long.

And Friday, well no excuses there.

It is currently 2:23am in my country but I stayed up because i had to upload. I am sorry for just going MIA on you guys, I will try to be more active from now on.

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