Abyss Of Passions

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When Avni woke in the morning, she was a little disoriented, but it took her only a few moments to recollect the last night's evens. She could remember how she gave herself completely to Neil and also how Neil completely took her. She could remember how Neil was so loving and gentle with her yester night, and also how he worshiped and loved her completely. She could remember how she felt safe, warm and treasured and also how Neil made her feel all those things. She could recall how after everything was done he carried her to the washroom and helped her clean up before they took a warm shower together and went back to bed after asking her if she was okay or if she needed anything several times. Avni felt so touched and loved by all his gesture. She was so tired because of everything that as soon as she hit the bed, she started to fall asleep and it was very easy for her because of the way Neil held her to him whispering sweet nothings to her in her ears and showering her with kisses, the last thing she heard was him saying 'I love you, to her over and over in her ears.

And now as she woke up, she found herself tucked in the same warm and loving embrace of her husband that she fell asleep in last night. She felt so warm, safe and content just being in Neil's arm, she just wanted to stay there and not move but then decided to see if Neil was also awake. He was, and he was looking at her with a very intense look in his eyes. It seems that he has been watching her for a long time, maybe even before she was awake and that thought kind of made Avni wonder if he had any sleep at all because she slept before him last night too . But then, there is no better no better comfort or feeling in this world to wake up cocooned in the arms of your beloved and to see his face first thing in the morning. The moment her eyes met his, he gave her that heart dropping smile of his and said

Neil – good morning.

He said with a short and sweet kiss and Avni didn't know what came to her at that moment but she just found herself saying

Avni – I love you.

Neil smiled again before he said

Neil – I love you too

And then he kissed her again. This time the kiss was strong and very passionate. It was as if he was sucking out her soul and she was willingly letting him, and let's face it people, she was enjoying the kiss as much as he was. They spent a lot of time just kissing, hugging, cuddling and teasing each other on the bed and also from time to time whispering 'I love you' to each other. they both didn't want to get up from the bed talk less of going out to face the real world, they just wanted to stay there in bed and just soak in the moment.

After a long moment or just a few has passed because honestly no one was noticing time, the doorbell rang temporarily breaking the moment they were having with each other.

Avni – who is it at this time?

She wondered out loud to which she got a reply from Neil;

Neil – DD, I think.

Avni – DD? Why? Do you have an urgent work at the office today?

She asked suddenly feeling very sad with the thought that Neil was going to leave her and go to the police station. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Neil's voice saying to her;

Neil – yeah, I kind of messaged him earlier before you woke up to bring us breakfast from a hotel.

Avni – oh.

That was the only word that came from Avni's mouth. She felt so happy that Neil was not leaving her to go for solving some case in the station, she just wants to spend the whole of today with him. Avni has never thought of herself as a needy person, but she just can't help but feel the need to have Neil close to her at all times which she knows it not possible, and suddenly the need increased that morning, maybe because they were now closer to each other emotionally, physically and mentally, so she decided to be selfish for this one day.

Neil who has been noticing the expression on Avni's face with great interest from the moment her eyes dimmed showing disappointment then she asked if he was going to the station for some case, to when her eyes brightened when he told her that it was just breakfast that DD was bring to them understood what was going on in her mind because let's face it, he can read her like an opened book. So he decided to tease her a little.

Neil – yeah wifey, oh. What were you thinking Mrs. Khanna?

Avni – nothing

Neil – really?

Avni – yeah really. Now will you go and see if it really is DD or not?

Neil – ok wifey I will g check the door but while I am at that you go and freshen up in the washroom.

Avni – okay.

And then she made a moment to get up from the bed to go do exactly what Neil said and Neil also proceeded to the door.

When she came from the washroom, she found Neil has already set up the breakfast for them on the bed.

Avni – breakfast in bed?

Neil – yeah

Avni – again

Neil – yes again. It is kind of our thing now Avni and its rom.....

Avni – yeah I know, it's romantic.

Neil – well since you know, then what are you waiting for, hop in.

He said to her with a very cute expression on his face.

Avni – I will hop in Neil, but first you also go and freshen up.

Neil – okay wifey.

He then made his way to the washroom, when he reached the place Avni was still standing with a rowel in her hand, Neil stole a kiss from Avni and the proceeded to the washroom.


Both Neil and Avni enjoyed their breakfast, not because the food was delicious, it was but just because of them having each other's company. During the breakfast, they started talking about general things, some things don't even make sense because you really don't need to make sense when you are with the one you love but then some did. They spoke about last night too. Avni was very surprised and happy when she heard what Neil said about their experience, it made her even blush a little which was a foreign thing to Avni because she had never been the blushing type. He told her that it was a magical experience to him and she also told him about her feelings about it too. Talking about all those made them both hot and bothered that they didn't even know how but they found themselves having a precap of last night's event. A very hot precap at that. It was fast and hard and incredible.

After that hot recap, they proceeded to have a shower together. Neil wanted them to have a bubble bath but that has to wait until they are back in Khanna mansion because there is no tub available in the condo. During the shower, Neil proceeded to start having some fun with Avni and when she wanted to stop him, telling him that he is getting too naughty, Neil just told her

Neil – I am practically a newlywed husband wifey, please just let me have my fun. It's not like you are not enjoying what I am doing also.

That made Avni keep her mouth shut because what Neil said is 100% true.

When they finally were able to get out from the super long shower, Neil told Avni to quickly get ready because he is taking her out shopping.

He took her to a mall where the pampered her and let her buy whatever she wants. He even allowed her to buy some things for him too. They also took some time to eat something and buy some ice-cream when Avni started getting hungry and tired. Throughout their time in the mall, Neil didn't leave a chance to flirt with Avni and Avni too didn't leave a chance to flirt back with him. They were very vocal in expressing how they can't wait to be alone again.


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