Super Handsome, Super Talented, Super Cop HUSBAND

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Avni woke up to the feel of touch on her face, it was light and soft, very loving feathery light soft touches on her face. Even without opening her eyes, Avni already knew the person that is touching her. The only person that can do that is her husband, Neil. Avni doesn't really want to get up from the bed, she doesn't want to alert Neil that she was already awake, she just want to stay and enjoy the feel of Neil's hand touching her softy on her cheek and occasionally in her hairs. She really like the way the runs his fingers through her tresses, it feels very nice and soothing.

Just as she was about to go back to sleep, she heard Neil's very smoothing voice whisper to her in her ears

Neil – hey baby, wake up.

The only reply Avni gave Neil was a moan and her holding his hand to her chest snuggling to it.

Neil – come on beautiful wake up

Avni – Neil please let me sleep

Neil – no, I won't allow you to sleep. You have got to wake up baby.

Saying that Neil began to gently place kisses her lips, on her cheeks, her nose and her eyelids.

Avni - Neil!

Avni whined trying to push him off of her with her eyes still closed and she was very unsuccessful at that because Neil wouldn't even bulge, he continued kissing her on any skin that was available to him.

Neil – come on wake up, I got coffee for you. You don't want it to get cold right?

Giving an annoyed noise with her nose, Avni opened her eyes to meet the beautiful smiling eyes of Neil looking at her with a grin on his handsome face that made Avni almost melt from the annoyance she felt from him waking her up from sleep.

Neil – good morning darling.

He said to her with the charming grin still on his face.

Avni – don't good morning darling me you Mr. Neil annoying Khanna.

Hearing the name she just called him, Neil started to chuckle a little bit before he saw the look she was giving him that made him shut up.

Neil – what now wifey, don't be so annoyed with me. I allowed you to sleep in.

Avni – really? How?

Neil – come on wifey, I have already gone to the office and got done with some cases. I just got back now.

Avni - well you must have left when it was still dark then

Neil – look wifey, would you rather be annoyed with me or would you rather have this coffee with me here on the bed while it is still hot so that I can take you to the spa when you are done?

Avni – spa?

Neil - yea spa?

Avni – but why?

Neil – to watch a mov....... He started saying sarcastically but seeing the look Avni was giving him made him to quickly say.

Neil – I mean what do you ladies do at a spa baby? I want you to go there and relax. Do all the things the ladies like to do, pedicure, manicure, and wash your hair and other things. I just want you to go out there and relax.

Avni – but why Neil?

Neil – Avni.........

Neil started saying taking hold of her hands in his,

Neil – after all that has been happening in the house, I just want you to have a day to yourself so that you can relax and enjoy yourself.

Avni – but Neil....

Neil – no Avni, not buts. I know what you want to say, but this is necessary. I mean I also want my wifey to look beautiful

Avni – you mean I am not beautiful now?

Neil – when did I say that? Well just forget it and let's have this coffee wifey. I would hate for it to get cold before you tale it. I mean your super handsome, super talented, super cop husband made it for his wifey.

Avni – waah, super handsome, super talented, super cop husband? Who is that? I don't think I know anyone that fits into this description.

Avni said teasingly.

Neil – hawwww! Ouch wifey you wound me.

He said holding his hands to his check the side that his heart is.

Laughing at her husband's dramatics, she swatted him lightly on his arms and said

Avni – dramebaaz admi

Neil – did you just call me what I heard or were my ears playing tricks on me?

Avni – yes, I think I just called you what you heard, but then I am not sure if your ears are working properly.

When Neil made to start objecting to what she just implied, Avni quickly interrupted him even before he could get a word out. She said,

Avni - and now would you stop with the drama so that we can take this coffee that my super handsome, super talented, super cop husband just made me?

Neil pouted a little before he said,

Neil – he made some breakfast too.

Avni – well the, we better start now right.

With that Neil dragged Avni to his chest with her back facing him in a codling position before placing as tray in front of them on the bed. The tray had two cups of steaming coffee with some toasts, Bananas Foster Style Banana-Pecan Stuffed French Toast, orange juice and a single red rose which he gave her kissing her on her forehead saying 'I love you'.

That's how Neil and Avni had their breakfast in each other arms exchanging sweet nothing and also feeding each other occasionally. When they were done,  avni gave Neil a kiss on his cheek and said
Avni - thank you,  my super handsome,  super talented, super cop husband. I love you.
Neil - I love you too wifey and you are welcome.


Neil has just dropped Avni at the spa that he booked for her without even her knowledge. MYRAH SPA, which is where she is now. As she sat down waiting for the person that is supposed to attend to her, Avni thought that she definitely has to plan something for Neil for all he has been doing for her. After yesterday's incredible surprise, she never thought that Neil was going to do another nice thing for her again, at least not today, but then she........that was when her thoughts were interrupted when she met eyes to the eyes of a person very familiar person. Her mother, Neela Parikh. She was so surprised seeing her there that she didn't even know when she uttered the word,

Avni – maa?

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Okay guys, sorry for the late update. I was sick and also in a very bad mood due to the way the show is going now. I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment. More than 30 comments before a new update. I really need a very strong motivation. i know that you want  to know what happened during the date, but it is going to be shown bit by bit in flashback along with many other things.

I know that you want to know what happened during the date, but it is going to be shown bit by bit in flashback along with many other things.  

you know,when i was typing the past where Neil is grinning at Avni, James Potter just popped into my mind, he is the one person that i always read about grinning charmingly with his glasses on his nose, god i love that character. Is there any hardcore James Potter  and JILY fan here please?

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