Day 43

19 1 8

Part 1:
It's totally official, I HATE SPANISH! Remeber that dialogue thing I said we had to do? Yeah so today she expected us to be done with it and start practicing it but, some of us we're still working. I asked her a question about the scenario I was doing but she got all up in my face just to answer it. She lucky I didn't smack her or anything. And get this, it's due on Wednesday. So she expects us to have it done and memorize all of it by Wednesday.

Part 2:
Already with the group work. In bio today, I wanted to work by myself but of course, there weren't enough papers so I had to work with this boy I didn't know and it was okay. But I still preferred to work by myself.

Part 3:
The unit test I took today was simple. I didn't do to bad on it but still, it was okay and irritating. At least it's over with.

Part 4:
Today we started reading To Kill A Mockingbird. It's so boring so far. I'm only on the tenth page and I'm bored. Someone please tell me that it gets interesting.

Hey guys! So today was a long dry day. Sorry I don't have any tea or anything but I'm tired, today was boring, and I need to rest especially after this weekend.

*Live and Love Life*

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