Day 125

12 3 6

Part 1:
Engineering was easy today. We just took notes.

Part 2:
Health was simple. All we did was start on the topic tobacco. We also watched these crazy anti-tobacco commercials.

Part 3:
Biomed was easy. We just started on pulse and how the heart works.

Part 4:
Geometry was simple today. We took a pop quiz which I got a 100 on and went over notes.

So on my way to my lacrosse game, my bus drove by this car. And the driver had his d*ck out. We were all screaming and I am permanently scared for the rest of my life.
Hey guys! So I updated Lights today. There are some new characters so go check it out! Also I mentioned that I'll try to get an update in of Luna Dark by the first week in April.

*Live and Love Life*


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