Day 87

11 4 3

Part 1:
Spanish was annoying. First off we got new seats and we got to choose them but, this annoying girl that lives in my neighborhood decided to sit next to me. Prepare for my rants for the next nine weeks. Also don't you hate it when the teacher doesn't call on you and you know the answer but when you don't know the answer they call on you? That happened to me.

Part 2:
Biology was chill, we didn't do that much. We just did a couple of worksheets.

Part 3:
LSN was okay. We just took notes and turns out, I have two projects this unit so yay!

Part 4:
We did a discussion on To Kill A Mockingbird and my class could barely handle it. So we just read the book for the rest of class.

Question of the Day:

What show would you binge watch for the rest of your life?

Hey guys! Sorry this week was so dry. I'll try to get something for next week. Also I would love it if you guys would comment and give me your feedback for things. Until next week.

*Live and Love Life*

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