Day 133

9 3 0

Part 1:
Engineering was boring today. Then we have a quiz next class and we're all like a quiz on what? We've been taking notes this whole time. We're not even learning anything.

Part 2:
Health was fine. We just took a test on tobacco and watched a video on how in Indonesia, they allow kids to smoke. They were like 5 years old smoking. It was very interesting.

Part 3:
Biomed was simple. We started doing a new lab on blood pressure so this should be interesting.

Part 4:
Geometry is starting to turn into algebra 1 and I hate it. I barely understand anything right now because I'm confused. Or maybe I'm just really tired because I only got 5 hours of sleep last night. I'm done with life.
Hey guys! I am almost done writing Luna Dark. I might update a little early.

*Live and Love Life*


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