Day 61

11 2 4

Part 1:
I'm telling you, in spanish we can barely learn anything because we spend a whole hour on warm up. Our warm up is basically our lesson for the whole class and then my teacher decides to teach at the last minute. I'm telling you I hate that class.

Part 2:
In biology I had to make this weird thing for extra credit. So basically it's a model of a cell. There is a plastic bag that represents the cell membrane, then there is vegetable oil inside the bag and that represents the cytoplasm, next are sprinkles that represents ribosomes, and lastly there is a double strand twizzler that represents DNA. I'm telling you I had to walk around all day with that. The worst part was part of my extra credit is telling a friend, teacher, and my parents about what it is and them having to sign and write a summary about what I told them. So far telling a teacher was the most difficult part.

Part 3:
In LSN we were talking about this case that is going on that deals with religion and same sex marriage. Now I'm not going to get into it. You can watch the video of it on CNN 10 on YouTube. It's on today's episode.

Part 4:
In English class today we were talking about another touchy topic and that was dealing with what time was like in Alabama in the 1930's. My teacher showed us a few pictures and some of them were racists.

Guys I am so sorry that there hasn't been no tea time lately. I'm really upset and I'm going to try to find something before this week ends. Also we are so close to reaching my goal!!! Keep it up guys!

*Live and Love Life*

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