Day 138

6 2 1

Part 1:
Spanish was okay today. We just did a whole bunch of listening activities.

Part 2:
We had a sub in bio so we did one packet that was super easy.

Part 3:
Class was short today since we did like three slides of notes and an activity.

Part 4:
English went by fast since we did small activities today and get I ended up with homework.

You know what time it is......

It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
So apparently, this freshmen is going out with a sophomore or a junior and he's terrible. He hits her and touches her inappropriately. They go on and off and yet she stays with him. Some girls are telling her to break up with him and stay away from him but, she won't listen.

Part 6:
There was almost a fight today between a boy and a girl.

Part 7:
One of my friends stood up to this boy that hit this girl (the freshman from Part 5) and she chased him down the hallway for doing that. She was crying afterwards. I don't know why though.

I finally got some tea!!! Go me!!

*Live and Love Life*


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