Day 178: FINALE

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Well here we are. The end of The Drama Chain: FRESHMEAT. I don't want to end off talking about my boring day. Barely anyone was here and we didn't do anything in class so yeah. 

Anyway, I would like to thank every single one of you for reading my story and getting it over 1,500 reads! This is my first book that has reached that many reads! I really want to thank you guys for reading this story. I know it was boring at certain points but, thank you for sticking with me throughout my freshmen year of high school.

I would now like to give special shout outs to people. First I would like to shout out the countries that read my story. Yes, I did check my demographics throughout my story. I would like to thank my readers in:

United States (my country) :)
United Kingdom

Thank you all for reading my story! I didn't even think that I had international readers at first but when I found out, I almost cried.

Now I would like to thank some very special readers for reading my story:


Thank you guys for reading, voting, and commenting on my story. If you don't already do so, go follow them! They are cool people.

Even though this is the end of this story, doesn't mean that it's the end of my other stories. If you need to read a good book over the summer instead of your summer reading, go check out my other stories:

Luna Dark
Luna of them All

I will be updating them throughout the summer so go give them a read, vote, and comment your opinions!

Once again, thank you all for your support on this support and hopefully I see y'all in my other stories and in the fall when The Drama Chain series returns!

For the last time on The Drama Chain: FRESHMEAT

*Live and Love Life*



The Drama Chain: FRESHMEATWhere stories live. Discover now