Day 116

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Part 1:
Today, are stuff for engineering is being graded. Honestly I don't know why we're doing any work if our teacher is going to be missing the rest of the school year.

Part 2:
Health was chill. We didn't do anything but sub work.

Part 3:
Biomed was so confusing I don't even want to talk about it.

Part 4:
Geometry was easy today. We didn't do anything except for people presenting.

You know what time it is. It's..........
TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
So over the weekend, these two girls accused these other two girls for doing something that they didn't do. The whole school knows and are going against those girls that were accusing the other girls.

Part 6:
Some girl was unconscious today that they got a state trooper to come to our school. It landed right in front of my classroom.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed today's part. There will be an update later on this month so yeah.

*Live and Love Life*


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