Day 81

9 3 5

Part 1:
We had a two hour delay today! It was still snowing and there was ice on the ground! I understand I don't live in Chicago but still, if other counties didn't go to school, why did we?! Anyway, Spanish was crazy. My teacher can't teach and she was all over the place.

Part 2:
Biology was simple. We're still finishing up this packet that is taking forever.

Part 3:
We didn't do that much in LSN. We just have to study for a quiz and my teacher also told us what that he'll let us know what class we could take next year. I'm still not sure if I should take Honors or APUSH. I'm really having trouble. Everyone says that APUSH is hard but if you can get through it you should be fine. I hope they're right.

Part 4:
We got our course selection sheets. I have to decide on what I'll take next year. Also, we're almost done with To Kill A Mockingbird. It's pretty good.


Hey guys! Sorry today was dry again. I really need to find better sources. Hopefully something interesting happens tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*


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