Day 20

33 4 7

Part 1:
I failed my pre-test in my Engineering class. I gotta a 13/40. Luckily this doesn't go towards my grade.

Part 2:
Freshmen Academy is so stupid and pointless. Today we talked about time management. Some of us already know how to do that, especially if we're in sports or clubs.

Part 3:
We had to go outside today and the weather was okayish. But here's the crazy part, my swimming unit starts next Tuesday. Yay.

Part 4:
I got to work with drugs today! Yay! I'm joking. I'm joking. But I did work with like these medication drugs in biomed. It's for a mystery we're solving that involves medication.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
So Lee has been very depressing lately. He went on snap yesterday and was saying "No more soft hearted Lee," and stuff. Moss and I are assuming that the reason he's Like this because he's not taking the whole him and Elizabeth relationship thing well.

Part 6:
There is this senior in my school who showed one of my friends, and other girls, a video of her sucking her boyfriend's *cough* thing *cough* if you know what I mean. Also she was saying her and her boyfriend have been swapping nudes of each other back and forth. Plus she's being held back. Probably because she's going out with boys who are in college, like her boyfriend. She's had sex since she was fifteen and she's had sex seventeen times! The $#@&. My friend even said that her parents don't care as long as she doesn't get pregnant. Well good luck with that. All of this came from my friend.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real

Part 7:
So I had these two puffs in my hair today and MalMal_21 over here kept on using a pencil as rocket ship and saying crash landing when he put the pencil in my hair. I almost slapped him because he should know that YOU DON'T PUT ANYTHING IN A BLACK GIRL'S HAIR OTHER THAN EDGE CONTROL, A BRUSH, COMB, AND okay let me stop😂😂😂😂. But for real though don't out anything in a girls hair okay, okay. Unless you want that pencil go down your throat and- I need to stop again. Lord, help me.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter. More tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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