Day 147

3 1 1

Part 1:
I'm really sick and tired of engineering. We have to do a giant study guide and take an exam at the end of the school year. What are we taking test for when we barely learned anything?!

Part 2:
We had a sub in health and she was very chill. Also all of my friends keep on talking about Infinity War and I'm really pissed about it. Like shut up about it!!

Part 3:
Biomed went by fast. We just took notes and that was it.

Part 4:
Geometry was confusing. We started something new and got homework on it and I'm still confused.

You know what time it is. It's..........
TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
There was a fight yesterday in the gym between two girls and one girl got her ass wooped.

Hey guys! So the update for Lights might be delayed since I've barely had time to work on anything. Sorry guys!

*Live and Love Life*


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