Day 145

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Part 1:
Engineering was fine. We finally got a long term sub and she's cool.

Part 2:
Health was fine. I didn't do anything for almost an hour.

Part 3:
We got new seats in biomed and I like them. My friends especially like them since I sit across from *cough* someone *cough*.

Part 4:
Geometry was easy. We just did a worksheet and take notes.

You know what time it is. It's............
TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
So as I was walking inside the school this morning, there was a bra on the ground. It was so funny and embarrassing.

Part 6:
My Spanish teacher isn't going to be put for a while because she was carried our by an ambualnce today. I've been hearing she has a heart problem.

Hey guys! So I know it's not really tea but, it's still something. Also, I am literally almost done with Luna Dark. I have a few more words to type and then I have to edit.

*Live and Love Life*


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