The 4th letter

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March 21, 2018

I walk outside to the side of the school. Everything hurts and I could barely concentrate in class so I decided to take a walk. I lean against the brick wall and relaxed as I felt the cool spring air hit my face. I start thinking about the past few weeks. Everything went by so quickly, and now I might die any second. I look down as a tear slips away from my moist eyes when I see someone standing at the other side of the wall. He looks at me and I instantly recognized those emerald eyes.

"Lucille?" He says.

"Chase, why are you out here?" I ask.

"I should be asking you the same question, so how much longer?" He asks.

"A few days, if lucky a we-," I start coughing.

"If I'm lucky a week maybe," I finish.

"Shouldn't you be in a hospital?"
He asks.

" I'm not going to spend my last few days cooped up in a hospital," I say. He turns around to look at me.

"I guess I should have known that's what you were going to say, that's what I admire about you," he says, brushing my hair to the side. He stares at me as if wanting to say something but not knowing how to put it into words.

" Lucille, I-," I collapse. He caches me in his arms and picks me up. He frantically dials 911 and starts walking towards the hospital with me in his arms. The ambulance gets to him before he could get to the hospital and leaves him behind. And that was the last time I saw him.

3hours later

I wake up in a hospital room with an IV attached to me. I look around and there's only one nurse to great me from my unconscious state.

"You're finally awake, thank the lord," she says.

"We thought this was the end," she exclaimed. After she does a bunch of tests and checks my pulse she leaves me to my thoughts so she could help other patients and get me some food. I look to the side of my bed and my bags lying there. I open it up, grab the same journal for the fourth time and starts writing. But this time I write more than one letter.

Why is it so hard to write a good book! It's so rushed!

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