Tears of sorrow: Final

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March 24, 2018
(Chases point of view)

It's the end of the school day and I'm slowly walking to my locker, my feet dragging behind me on the tiled floor. I still can't wrap my head around Lucille being gone. It just doesn't feel real. I've always respected her, she's the type of person I want to be. She speaks her mind without bothering to think about the consequences.

I've always liked her. Ever since the sixth grade when my so called "friends" told the teacher I beat them up. They wanted to get revenge on me for not letting them have a stupid party at my house because it was so big.

Actually, the only reason most of my friends became my friends before I met Lucille was because they wanted to hang out at my house. Lucille witnessed all of this and exposed those jerks in front of everyone. She was the first person who ever stood up for me.

I finish making my way to my locker. Nobody was in the halls because all the buses left. I walk home anyways so it doesn't matter.

I open my locker and a note slowly falls out. A wave of sadness falls over me as bend down to pick up the note. To my surprise, the hand writing was really similar to the one on the note this morning.

The only difference with this one to the one I got this morning is that it was neatly put into an envelope. I carefully open up the letter and am shocked to see that same familiar hand writing. A tear slips away as I caress my hand across the white paper and start reading.

Dear Chase,
I hope you already read the other letters. You were truly the one to help me out the most. You understood me, you took my thinking into consideration and that's the part of you I fell in love with. I loved you Chase. I loved you ever since I met you, you weren't like the other guys. While the other guys let people down you helped them up. I loved you so much Chase, I can't express how happy I was when you found out, but didn't tell anyone because you knew I had a reason. And for that I guess I have a promise to full fill. The one in which I failed to when I was still alive.

My estimated death day was
March 23, 2018

Time seems to stop as I drop to the floor. The 23 was yesterday... Yesterday! If the fact that Lucille was dead wouldn't settle in before, it definitely has now. I looked at the page, a few tears stained the now dented paper for I had been gripping it as if it would run away.



Why did that unlucky person have to be her, of all people. And she loved me. Damn it!

At this point, I didn't care if I was crying. I should be aloud to after this. Nobody was in the hallways anyways, it was like I was trapped in some show or something. After I finished crying the same amount of tears as the amount of days Lucille lived, I picked up all my things, took one last look at the classroom that revealed everything that morning, and left, my head as heavy as a cinder block. And, sadly, that was the last time I saw her hand writing.

The ceremony was held on April 2. Many others thought it was an April fools joke, and some hoped it was. But inside, we all felt like something was missing. Something that was irreplaceable. One by one people dispersed, sending their condolences to the family she left behind. Everyone but four teenagers were left.

"I can't believe she's gone." Nichole cries onto Kristen's shoulder.

"It's not fair, she didn't deserve any of this!" We all look down while Kristen comforts her.

"They're going to close up soon, we better say goodbye." Logan announces. We all shudder a bit. Goodbye used to be such a meaningless word, not really something you'd think about to often. But this is our final goodbye. It's our last chance to speak to her. We grab each other's hand, all a bit shaky, and walk up the steps. Tears fall silently from our faces as we take one last look at the sleeping girl in front of us.

She was beautiful, even in this sleeping state. She wore a beautiful strapless black dress with black lace around her waist that tide into a bow. Her hair was neatly put in a half up half down style with a black sparkly clip holding it up at the back.

"Goodbye Lucille, are life won't be as colourful without you." Kristen starts.

"Goodbye Lucille, there are so many things I should've said, but I never had the courage." Logan continues.

"Goodbye Lucille. Why do people only care when it's already to late." Nichole scorned, probably thinking of a few people. They all look to me. I sigh and then start.

"Goodbye Lucille, if only we knew how to react." I finish, everyone looks at me for a moment but then goes back to mourning.

"Time may take people from us. But at least it's generous enough to leave us with the memories of them." Logan thought as he shown a sad smile. We all nod and cried a few more tears before we dragged each other away from the corps in which once was our amazing, lively, adventurous, stubborn, stunning and ignorant friend.

We didn't talk about her after that. Not because we forgot about her. Not because her life was only worth a few days of being recognized. Not because I didn't love her as much as I did when she was alive.

But because it was her dying wish.

Well that was a nightmare, thoughts?

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