Chapter Two: The Man named Zac

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     As I turned around he greeted me with a smile and asked "Excuse me miss but um you look shaken, everything alright?"

      I froze up a bit since I'm not used to talking to people that much however I mustered up some courage and answered him.

      "Oh, um yes, I'm fine. I'm just here to get my order." I said softly to him

    " Oh, well if thats the case then allow me to serve it for you" he offered to me.

      Surprised to receive this offer,all kinds of thoughts ran through my mind "Who is he, Why is he being so nice?"  My pondering was cut short as I saw a tray slid onto the counter by a waitress that came out of the kitchen.

      Before I could react the man picked up the tray with one hand and asked "This is your order right? The mocha frappe and cheese cake?".

    "Um yeah thats my order but...." I answered but before I could ask why is he doing this he then said energetically

     "Alright let me serve it to your table then" before walking towards my table with the tray in hand.

      Following behind him, I mustered up the will to ask "Umm, why are you doing all this?" before reaching my table.

      He placed the tray onto the table and said "What do you mean?" he asked looking confused.

     "I mean why are you serving my order?" I explained. He looked confused even more, surprised even but then, with a sudden realisation he said

    "Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot I wasn't in uniform yet. My name is Zac, I'm the new waiter here!". Hearing his answer I felt somewhat relieved

   "Well thank you Zac for serving my order" I said with a small smile as I sat down and took out a small book from my bag.

       "No problem!" He said with a smile "if you ever need anything just- wait whats that in your hand?" He suddenly asked.

        Startled, I look at my book and said "Oh, um this is an adventure book I brought with me". "Whats it about?" He asked walking towards me as I opened my book.

       "Its about a girl that discovers she has a special gift and goes off on an adventure!" I said enthusiastically.

     "She also meets new people and-" noticing he was getting overwhelmed I stoped for a moment and put my book on the table "I'm sorry, I got carried away" feeling embarrassed I apologised and with a smile on his face he started to giggle.

       "No no, its ok. You seem to like your books a lot!" He said as he sat down across the table from me. "You know I also like stories too but I could never finish a book" he stated

      "and why is that?" I asked sipping my frappe from the straw.

      "Well I guess I don't have a knack for imagining stuff up from books so I sometimes lose interest because of that." He said playing around with his red scarf. "But I bet that you definitely have the knack for it! You know imagining up adventures and stories form books." He added with a smile.

       "Oh um yeah I guess I do, I just like adventures I guess" I said while eating my cheese cake

        "Sometimes I even wished for an adventure" I said as I stared out onto the busy street where the parade was happening

      "An adventure?" he asked "like the fight against good and evil and all that kinda stuff?".

       "Yeah, sometime I just imagine what its like to be the hero in that kind of story" I said as my mind stared to daydream thinking about all kinds of wacky and crazy adventures.

       Looking out onto the parade the diverse colours started to transport my mind into a dimension full of wonder and excitement with my mind in anticipation for the upcoming adventure. My eyes started to see wizards flinging spells, knights fighting dragons, and even rouges sneaking around.

        All of this each happening in different places like in the medieval ages or the futuristic era.

        "Um miss? Miss?"

        I hear a faint voice call. I then realised that I was daydreaming again and snapped back to reality with Zac still sitting across from me.

     "Hey, you were gone there for a while everything ok?" He asked.

     "Oh um yes, everything is fine. I was just admiring the parade" I answered.

     "Well it looked like you were enjoying yourself too much there." He said jokingly before releasing a chuckle out of both of us.

      He turned his eyes onto the parade and said "Yeah I'd enjoy the parade too especially if it was meant for me. Makes you wonder what the king thinks-" with a sudden stop and his eyes looking worried his gaze quickly turned to me.

     "You need to get out of here fast!"

     I was shocked with his sudden change in atmosphere that it left me speechless.

    "Hey are you listening to me you have to get out of here fas-" his words were cut short by a loud explosion coming from outside, it shattered the glass of the cafe.

    "Take cover under the table!" Zac exclaimed as he went under it. I followed along  as the shockwave of dust and rubble from the explosion hit the cafe.

      Worried about the explosion, so many questions came to mind as the dust and rubble blew over the table. Once the dust started to settle Zac bolted out from under the table and looked around as I slowly rose up  from underneath the table.

What I saw was devastating.

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