Chapter Six: New Horizon

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        We continued to chat and the room got dim. The light coming from the boarded up windows started to fade and Fel stood up to light some candles i didn't even notice were on the walls until now.

          "Hey, it's getting late. And your boyfriend hasn't comeback yet"  Fel said as she lit the few candles.

         "I told you he isn't my boyfriend! We just met today"

       Standing up from my seat, I walked up to Fel and offered to help light up the candles. Seeing as how her small stature made it difficult for her to light the rest up.

        "Here let me help" I gave her a smile and took one of the candles off the rusty holder to light the rest.

      "Hmph, I didn't need your help nor did I ask for it" she pouted

      "Well, I just thought it would be kind of me to help out"

      "Because I'm just a kid? Listen DiVa, just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't take care of stuff myself!"

     "What? No. I didn't mean to insult you or anything, I just wanted to say thanks for your kindness Fel"

      My words reached Fel as her face made a confused and somewhat pissed off look. Seeing this expression from a twelve year old is unusual since it almost seemed as like she hates the world.

       "My kindness? The hell are you talking about? Are you mocking me?"

      "Of course not Fel, why would I mock you? I just want to do something nice."

      "Well nice ain't gonna cut it out there, you gotta be more tough! None of this sweet, quiet, and quirky bull you got right now."  Fel crossed her arms.

       I obviously struck a nerve with her and I feel bad for her. Hearing those words from a twelve year old just didn't feel right...

        "Hey Fel, can I ask you some thing?"

         "No" she scoffed

        One by one we lit the candles on the wall and once we finished up in the living room we moved to the dark hallway outside. Silence greeted us as we stepped out, not a single sound but the creaking floor beneath us was heard as we walked to the candles which were placed in the crude metal holders.

          Nothing broke the silence as we lit up the candles. Fearing that I might offend Fel even more, my mouth was shut and so was she as we continued on with our chore. Thoughts started to enter my mind as the deafening silence loomed over us.

    "How did she get here?"

        "Where are her parents?"

      "What made her to be this cold hearted?"

    "Did she have anything to do with the explosion?

    I shook my head, surprised a thought like that entered my mind. How could I think such a thing, I don't even know if she knew there was an explosion. She does know Zac...

    "Does Zac have anything to do with the explosion?"

    More and more thoughts plagued my mind as I mindlessly continued on before a hand gently touched my shoulder. I snapped back into reality before turning around to see Fel with her usual sour look.

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