Chapter Seven: A Different View

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~So A quick note before we start:

Heyo it's me, Vanii! I'm the author of the book and I'm gonna put something new into the mix. :)
I'll be adding these thingies!

[ Fel ], [Snow], [Zac], and [Dianne]

Basically, these things will tell whose point of view you guys are reading.

Hope ya don't mind the drop in :3

Have fun reading! :D ~


      It's been two years since I was found in the streets scavenging for food in the trash. The smell of rank food and shit stung my nose so bad that even up till now I still remember its stench. Can you even imagine an eight year old, all skinny and dirty, diving into alleyway dumpsters and have no luck finding good food to eat?
Fucking great, right?

...But none still compared to that night...that night which ruined it all...

I was just at home with papa, he was telling me about this wonderful fairytale about people with magical powers and how they helped us using The Flow. Papa said they were kind, caring, and com-pa-sio-nate? Papa used a lot of big words back then...

"Good night, my sweet little Fel," he said as he kissed me good night before leaving my room, my mind started to doze off while I laid on my soft and comfy bed next to my stuff toys. I was happy with this, I was happy with my peaceful life here with Papa, I was just happy to be with him...but...

Life ain't a fairytale, happy endings are all fucking lies.

The room got hotter and hotter, I was sweating buckets before I decided to get up and open my door. "Papa?" The door slowly opened as my weak little arms pulled the handle. A wave of heat basted into me as I opened the wooden door, slightly charred on the other side.

Red hot searing flames were everywhere, smoke filled the air as my living room continued to burn. "Papa!" I called out again in fear, getting no response.

     A woman with red hair and black jacket was standing in the fire, looking into the corner. She was tall and intimidating compared to the eight year old me. I felt terrified yet curious as I moved around the fire, trying to see what was in the corner.


My eye lids were shut tight, I didn't want to see what she did to him.  FOR FUCKS SAKE I WAS JUST A LITTLE KID! What kind of psycho lady does that kind of thing!? Papa did nothing wrong!


I opened my eyes to see a high wooden ceiling with faded paint in my view, a familiar sight at least.

...another nightmare...

My eyes glanced over to the left to see beds next to me. Alfie's bed was empty while DiVa still slept in her bed, having her own nightmares as she kept tossing and turning. Hmph, acting all innocent when she's the reason we're in this mess.

I got up from the dusty cushions and pulled out my trusty rifle from under the mattress before heading out of the room and down the stairs.

     Every time it's always that same dream, that same nightmare, that same woman...Papa...

"You Imbecile!," screamed a voice in anger that came from the kitchen. Oh boy, that time already? It was Alfie's voice no doubt, she seemed mad about something and I wondered what it was as I made my way to them as Alfie continued to shout at someone.

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