what a real man is

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Today i want you to forget what you think about men.
You think youre a man because your wee-wee can get up to six inches? Screw you this mans vroom-broom is six inches limp. You think youre a man just you have hair on your scrotum? Screw you this mans package is made out of hair probably looks like a kareebo from yughioh.

Im gonna play the scenario now.

(Imagine the guy recording as a goofy looking lex luthor)

"Im sitting next to guy that thinks he owns the armrest so im gonna bump him off and since he wants to tussle with the muscle..... hes gonna get it"

Someone better make funeral arrangements for that poor soul but like the guy says "you dont tussle with the muscle"

*bumps random persons arm off armrest and pretends to be asleep*

Did you see that impact? Im surprised that the bus didnt explode

But seriously dude if youre gonna be a asshole at least be an asshole all the way and you can tell behind those closed eyes his heart is racing and thinking plz dont look at me plz dont look at me.......so pathetic

Thats it see ya.

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