Final documentary: parodies (unfinished)

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As some of you might recall,I made a documentary on YouTube pranks seeing how deplorable and pathetic they are to have on this platform. Especially the Amazing atheist.

And for my last documentary unfortunately I have decided to quit them seeing as they take too much of my time to script and schedule and afterwards I want to thank VerySpecialSnowflake for her amazing contribution to this book and motivating me to make more documentaries.

Today I'm going to be taking a look at a channel called "The Expert Noob" and his Miley Cyrus video slandering her.

From looking at this video this man looks like he sits in his parents basement all day playing call of duty and when I saw his bulletin board I saw that he won a medal for something but let's be real, it's probably made out of chocolate.

"Hey what's up guys it's the Expert Noob here and I'm going to talk about why I don't like Miley Cyrus.... because she's a straight up attention whore and she was way hotter in her Hannah Montana days and not even kidding....she tries so hard to be famous fucking hard to be famous and if I did the shit she did, I would become famous too." Umm no he fucking wouldn't and nobody would want to see you in public or much less a stage unless they're throwing rotten food at you. "Sorry about this video being so short because my parents hid my camera from me." And that's the end of the video and cue the cancer outro he has but to sum up this video....

my youtube experience 2016-Where stories live. Discover now