Broken Heels And Bruised Egos

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A/n the first part of the chapter is going to be in Eli's POV, (personally, he's just a filler, you always need a character you hate right? well in here, its Eli. and maybe a couple of other characters I haven't decided on yet. At the end of the chapter there will be pictures and info regarding the new characters that'll appear in this chapter.

note- this chapter starts with a bit of the previous chapter. after Jordan and the new guy Jonathan had their little 'moment' "Scared Potter?!" ...

Eli Santo POV

"If you're done being a pain in the ass Miss Maston?" I ask. she could hear my annoyance and I was waiting for a snide sarcastic remark.

"Actually, Elizer I am not done being a pain in the ass" yep there's the remark. I thought to myself until I came to the realization that she new my full name?! Leo!

" You fucking dick Leo, you told her my name?!" I shouted at him, waiting for him to respond, Jordan responded however.

"Actually he was very forthcoming with it, what he neglected to divulge is how that you've got a stick so far up your ass that you can still walk straight!" she yelled at me.

I could feel my blood boiling,  attempting to calm myself.

"Get her in the fucking car Miles!" I could feel my fists strain as I clenched them.  Honestly, I never thought an 18 year old computer nerd and hacker could be such a pain in the ass, and I wasn't even there when the boys got her out of town, I just met her at the airport, about 12 hours prior, and that's 12 hours I will never get back thanks to her snooping, and just plain annoying nature.

Miles walks closer to the car and Jonathan goes to the other side of the car and gets in. Miles bounced her off his shoulder and shoved her in the car. I could see her struggling in the back seat. Leo then enters the driver seat and I Slip into the passenger seat. I could hear her struggling and grunting in the back seat and it gave mind pleasure to see the bitch struggle. I was in my own thoughts and was brought back out of them when I felt a force behind me, and I fly forward towards the dashboard and my nose makes contact.


"Fuck!!!" I yell.

I spin around and face her. I felt that my eyes were black in anger and I felt the blood dripping, out of my nose. Before I could reach for her, Miles Stabbed her in the leg with a sedative, I could see her continuing to fight and a smile appeared on my lips as she the sedative was beginning to take effect. I could still feel the blood running from my now broken nose. she looks at me and begins to smirk "a broken nose looks good on y-you... Elizer" she hissed. the smile falls from  my face and she's out like a light.

Fucking brat!

25 minutes later (On the road to unknown location)

"how's the nose Eli?" I hear Miles from the back seat, sounding somewhat concerned.

"it Fucking Hurts like hell, what the fuck do you think it feels like?!" I reply angrily.

"Hey, Hey, I was actually asking how you were, you don't have to bite my head off, I wasn't the one who broke your nose, sheesh.." he retorts. I wasn't going to apologise, the bitch broke my nose, and since when did Miles care about me? Never.

"we're still 40 minutes out, Miles how long is the sedative suppose to last?" I hear Jonathan ask in the backseat.

"it depends on how fast her metabolism is she might need another dose soon." he replies uninterested.

I turned around and saw Miles looking out his window and I saw Jordan knocked out leaning on Jonathan. "God!, she's got so much bloody hair!" he complains, as he attempts to unravel himself from her tangled long hair. Her legs were stretched across the seat and partly on Miles lap. This is a lot of effort for a hacker, I'm sure that there were hackers in the country, why her? why did Kane want her specifically? suppose we'll find out soon enough.

Kidnapped By Assassins: A Hacker's Story (Book 1 Hackers & Assassins Series) Where stories live. Discover now