Goodbye Brother Dearest

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A/n hello my lovelies, welcome back. I'm hoping to finish the book soon. yes I know its sad but it must happen unfortunately... anyways, thoughts on the last chapter? Jordan wasn't meant to get taken it just happened. suppose I had to keep it interesting right? I would love to know your thoughts on the plot. this chapter is going to be a bit short. its going to be filled with action but on the shorter side. maybe even start halfway through the attack? I needed to have this chapter but I do want to go back to the other scenes in the US. I'm sorry but I found that storyline more fun than this one. but this also means that I will be updating TWICE today. DOUBLE UPTATE TODAY! GIVE ME ANOTHER HOUR OR SO TO FINISH THE OTHER CHAPTER AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!! XX this chapter is also mostly going to be in Leo's POV. because he's one of my favourite side characters. xx


Leo Santo POV

"Leo, you need to hurry, if you don't get your ass moving now, Robert is doing his rounds, and unless you want him to crush you, I suggest you get your ass moving." Marco states through my ear piece. he was up on a another warehouse building roughly 650 feet away.

"Okay, I'm going. Sam? where are the others?" I ask into the ear piece. as I picked up my pace and slipped in behind some crates around the Westside entrance of the warehouse. Sam, Evan and Derek have used Olympus to hide us from their view, we just have to be careful as to not get caught by them. 

"Mason and Jace have infiltrated the tunnels, Andy and Blaze are southwest of your location on a high building, taking out the other snipers. Derek has blocked their communications so they can't tell anyone about them or us. but unfortunately we can't stop all communication otherwise they'd know something is up." Sam replies

"Okay, and what about the other teams?" I as quietly as Robert's figure comes into view.

"Kate and Tom have taken out 7 higher level guards, including Octavia and Xander, while team beta have taken out 19 low level guards, most of which were guarding the armoury and Victor's office."

I slowly stood up and pulled out a throwing spike along with my large knife. I threw the throwing spike in the opposite direction causing him to turn around. I stalked my way towards him and swiftly sliced his carotid artery open. I yanked off his ear piece as he fell to the ground gurgling in an attempt to breathe, he clawed and gripped at his throat as blood spurted out of the large wound. I waited until he stopped cold and dragged his dead body behind the crates where I was hiding beforehand.

"Robert is down." I state as I slipped my blade back in place as I entered the Westside entrance.

"Miguel and Ben are down. I repeat Miguel Cortez and Ben Torke are down" Jace's voice resonates through my ear.

"Terrance Cortez is down." Kate states soon after.

"Sam are you alright?" I ask. 

"I'm fine, thanks for asking Leo." he states sincerely.


"Look what the bitch dragged in..." I spun around the room and saw Eli standing in front of me along with Doyle and Anton. just my luck, the fucking psychos are with him.

"Elizer, brother." I state with a firm angry nod.

"You lost that right when you sided with the girl" he hisses at me.

"You lost the right when you tried to kill Belle!" I raise my voice.

he laughs. "You and the slut of a thief?" he hollers as Doyle and Anton laugh along with him. I grind my teeth as I pulled out the throwing knives and spikes and showered them over them. Doyle and Anton got several in their chests while Eli was quick to dodge them. Unfortunately as they didn't feel pain they didn't really stop from coming at me. 

Kidnapped By Assassins: A Hacker's Story (Book 1 Hackers & Assassins Series) Where stories live. Discover now