*Tap, Tap, Click* "You're a Dick!"

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A/n had a double update yesterday, and hello and welcome back my lovelies! over 570 views! like Mary mother of fruitcake!!! so many people, and going on 30 chapters now!!!! what's wrong with you? I mean I love you and that you are reading it, but seriously I freak out with what I write...how'd you guys deal with me and my weird-ass story? what is wrong with you!!? and least tell me what you think, because right now I'm sitting here writing this strange book and I have no idea if its hella confusing or seriously enjoyable, although, I am hoping its a bit of both....anyways, this chapter might be a bit confusing...but it is more of a plot chapter than anything else. so let me know what you think vote/like/comment whatever.... xx  and I'm sorry for the smut stuff. it just happens,  I don't know if its because I'm horny or just writing it just cause...

This occurred after Jordan was in the tree and refused to get down.

Derek Cole 'Phantom' POV

For the last few days I have been going through Phoenix's codes, trying to find anything that could point to anyone else who is on Victor's payroll. Now knowing that Jet is Victor's son, Mason has given him the least sensitive stuff to work on, trying to maintain damage control, without anyone finding out that we know the truth. Jordan was the one that figured it out, she seems to have been through a lot of shit. After hours of staring at code I was relived when my phone rang.

*Ring ring*

"Hey Mace what's up?" I ask, as I answered looking at the ID.

"Hey D, I'm on my way up, I need to talk."

"Okay, see you in a few" I reply and hang up. I placed my phone back on the coffee table next to my laptop. I stood up and made my way to my apartment door just as someone Knocked. I opened the door to be face-to-face with an angry Mason.

"Mace, what's up? it looks like you're about ready to stab someone..." I say as he made his way in and flopped on my couch.

"Brenden and his goons got a hold of Shorty and Miles last night, they beat Miles and tired to use her against him. The boys got to them in time with the Help of Marco, but she wasn't safe with us. I was going to send her away to keep her safe. but she refused, she ran off with Leo today, because she refused to leave. God, why does she have to be so stubborn. She was never like this before...-"

"-Mace, you last saw her when you were 16, she was 6. now she's an 18 year old woman, with her life upside down, she was kidnapped, almost everyone in her life had been after her and you tried to send her away, from the only people that give a damn about her, I know I rarely know her, but I've seen the way Miles is with her, their feelings are mutual. they care so much about each other, it would not have only broken her but also Miles.-" I say as I pulled out a bottle of scotch and two glasses and  sat down beside him. "-Besides, I know you are trying to protect her, and I even figured that Miles agreed with you to send her away. but she doesn't seem like someone who'd do what she's told if it went against what she wanted..." I say as I handed him a glass.

He laughs. "Tell me about it. she ran off with Leo today, ignored my calls, went shopping with my credit card, and even climbed a tree to get away from me." I nod in response.

"-Look, honestly, there is nothing you can do if she doesn't want to do it. So I suggest that you just get over it and deal with it, besides, she's the best hacker and asset we can use to find out and stop Victor and the others. I've been staring at code for days and nothing jumps out. I need help. I need her help." I state as I finish my drink.

Mason sighs heavily. "alright, I'll call Jace, you can head over there tomorrow."

The next day....

Kidnapped By Assassins: A Hacker's Story (Book 1 Hackers & Assassins Series) Where stories live. Discover now