Chapter 5: Urgent Message

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The loud, abrupt beeping of the alarm clock that rested on the table beside the large bed made a low growl of irritation stir from the hellhound that shifted beside me in the bed, grumbling as his eyes flickered open and he looked at me, who simply yawned and sat up before slamming the top of the clock to stop its terrible sounds from disturbing the peaceful silence that had drifted around the room from only moments ago. "Last time I checked, it was the start of the weekend - why the hell do you have an alarm set for today?" Hyde muttered to me, mostly under his breath so that I wouldn't hear, but I already knew that he was displeased from the start. "We have plans for this weekend, you know that." I simply replied with a small smile appearing on my face as I brushed a hand through my messy head of hair, "Don't be like that, we have many things to do today in preparation for the dance." In an attempt to settle my boyfriend's cross and stubborn mood, I ruffled the raven-colored hair atop his head, but he only glared at me with a frown, not liking the idea of getting up early on a Saturday to plan a huge party and not take this as an advantage to sleep in while enjoying the warmth of each other. This just made me give a short laugh and get out of the bed, stretching out my arms as I looked out the window and seeing the sky sport it's usually calming blue-hued color. Today was going to be a nice, calm day with no rain or clouds in sight. I was still wearing my clothes from the previous day and debated on whether I should change or not, knowing that nobody would really care nor even notice - however, I did have an image to keep, being their respected leader and creator at the same time. I didn't want to stink, especially around Hyde, so I just gave a sigh and stepped over to the small closet in our bedroom. Hyde had still not left the bed, probably still silently having an argument in his thought process about getting up or not right now. To be honest with myself, I would be the same way in the morning, but it was slightly after nine in the morning now and I was actually excited to plan the event that would take place in the manor later this week. Without much hesitation, I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it into the small hamper underneath the shirts that were hung up in the closet before shifting through the clean clothing that I had. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed how I seemed to catch a bit of attention. I shouldn't be surprised though at Hyde's staring, knowing that we haven't really had any true intimacy in a few weeks due to me being so busy. I was glad that I was wearing a bra or I might've not been able to escape the room for at least the next couple hours if you catch my drift. I hadn't had the free time or real motivation to have some true alone time recently.

"You see something you like, Demoric?" I decided to tease him as I finally choose a shirt to wear for the day, "It's nothing you haven't seen before." My own words almost made me chuckle, but I just wore a gummy smile on my face for the moment as I slipped the fresh piece of cloth over my head while awaiting a response from the hellhound. I heard a lightened huff sound from him followed by a chuckle that just made me roll my eyes. "One of these days, Rebecca.." I heard him say in a low tone, which made me turn to look at him with a raise of an eyebrow with a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "One of these days, you'll do what?" I said, taking a step towards the male, "I certainly wonder what you would do." At that little snide remark of mine, the raven-haired male stood up from the bed and walked to where I now stood, halting directly in front of me and peering down at my face with a smirk of his own. "I know that you would." Hyde remarked, baring his sharpened teeth, "It is quite a shame that we can't figure out now. Perhaps you can ask me again when you are free from your busy lifestyle." His words and mine alike reminded me of a time when we would constantly banter back and forth with flirting and teasing nonstop to get on each other's nerves. Deep down, it was sort of nice to see that side of him again, but I know that we did not have time for this today - sadly enough. "It'll happen when you least expect it, trust me." I simply said, patting the side of his face with one hand before turning away from the hellhound without another word coming from me as I headed out into my office. A nice, warm beam of orange and yellow sunlight was coming into the room through the window behind my desk, making me smile and anticipate the sun heated leather chair that awaited me now. For some reason, I still felt a bit tired inside and even a small lack of motivation was stirring within me, but I refused to let such things get me down now - I had work that needed to be done before I procrastinated way too much like I usually did when it came to things like this. I had already wasted enough time in the past week with sleeping and doing things like watching movies. Of course, Hyde and many others liked it when I enjoyed myself and did things that made me more relaxed, but as my father and mother always bugged me about - there wasn't always time for fun and things that you enjoyed. I had heard this far too many times and I was frankly tired of hearing the same rant over and over again from the same people. With a huff of relief, I basically fell into my chair while cracking my knuckles with a smirk on my face. "Right then! Let's get this day started, shall we?" I said, mostly directed towards myself. "Whatever you say, chief," Hyde muttered, which made me realize that he had followed me into my office - once again not the least bit surprised. He shifted into his feral form and laid down beside my leather desk chair, resting his head on his paws.

I was used to this quiet, lazy behavior from my boyfriend, especially at this hour, so I gently rubbed his back with my foot and proceeded to roll my chair closer to my desk. It was about an hour before I would have to prepare breakfast for the whole manor, so I still had some time to do some planning before that specific time - which was around 10:00 AM. As a person who regularly had to wake up between 6:00 and 8:00 AM on the weekdays, I made sure to make our regular wake-up time in our home around 10:00 AM so that everyone, including myself, could get a desired amount of rest. Being a known night owl that stayed up late, these times worked for me in a strange way, but I usually did not question much and continued on with my day like normal. I started off by turning on my computer that sat off to the side of my desk, hearing the usual sound that it made when it switched on, but I couldn't but have my attention shift away from this as I took note of my phone that was sitting on the opposite end of my workspace. In the corner of the device, a small red light flashed now and then, which immediately let me know that I had a message or just a simple notification. Almost always, it was a mindless notification of a YouTube video or Twitter update - things that don't normally interest me, but I hated seeing that small damned light flashing, so I took a moment while my computer was still powering up to grab the small device and lean back in my chair. I tapped the back of my phone, making it switch on without much and I was greeted with the one independent notification on the screen. "One Message Received At 7:46 AM- Henry Demoric" That was certainly uncommon, especially from Henry, to receive a text from the hybrid this early in the morning. Nonetheless, it did not seem like a life or death situation due to the fact that there was not multiple messages or calls, just one sole text from him. I was glad for that too, not wanting to deal with any more stress than I needed to at this time. Without further thought or distractions, I pressed the message and swiped my screen, proceeding to open up the text app on my phone and read the message from Henry before I did anything else with my morning.

"Hey, Rebecca, is there a chance I can speak with you and Hyde in your office alone? It's something important and I cannot let Beck know about it, not yet. Please, make an excuse or something."

"Now what could possibly be so urgent to discuss at this hour of the morning?" I muttered under my breath, making the large dark-furred wolf that laid beside lift his head up from his paws and look at me with a slight tilt of his head, curious to what was now going on, as he always was. A sigh left my mouth as I shifted my body in my chair slightly to show the male the bright screen of my phone, watching in silence as his scarlet-hued eyes scanned the small text from his younger brother. "I have no idea what that's about." He mentioned, giving a sharpened yawn and displaying his gleaming white teeth for a few seconds, "It sounds important though, so maybe we should have him come down and talk with us before any planning goes on today." Henry wanted me to make up an excuse for him to go to the office alone without Beck, so this gave me a moment to think about what I could possibly do to achieve this. I knew my brother quite well, as most siblings did, and he was a protective, clingy person - especially to people he loved like Henry. This would make it difficult to get the canine-hybrid to walk away from Beck without raising any suspicion. However, an idea formed in my head that just might work and the planning for the party just might come into my favor to assist me in all of this, which simply made me smile. "I have just the solution for this." I remarked to the hellhound, "Get me a pad of paper and a pen, please." I liked it when things all worked together to help me through my day in the end. I did wonder, however, to what the hybrid could want from me and Hyde right now after he knew how busy we said we would be at dinner last night.

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