Chapter 9: How Did We Get So Lucky?

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"Goddamnit," Hyde muttered under his breath as he found it to be rather difficult to adjust the bowtie on his younger brother's tuxedo, "You need to stand still or I will not hesitate to pull your sensitive little ears." The low threat from the canine-hybrid was far from being true, but it still made the other male whimper slightly with dismay, knowing that his older sibling's patience was ever so slowly dwindling right before his very eyes. He couldn't help his nervous shakes and shivers though at certain points, worrying too much about how things would go down at this event tonight. "I'm sorry, brother, I really am." Henry murmured, his tone coming off as a slight whine, "It just feels so weird and tight, while itchy in some places. Would it really be that bad to just go wear some blue jeans and a t-shirt to the dance? I'm sure nobody would mind." This made the older hybrid give a small chuckle, knowing how much different this was compared to their normal routine, however, the raven-haired male's weakened pleads for regular clothes, if you could even call it that, was not convincing to him even in the slightest. "I hate to break to you, little brother, but Rebecca said that it was required for us to wear formal stuff for this dance," Hyde said, looking up at Henry for a moment as a small smirk went onto his expression, "Besides, don't you want to look good for your special someone?" The canine-hybrid rolled his eyes at his brother's evident teasing words, feeling his face grow a bit warm with embarrassment at the mere thought of how his boyfriend looked right now. He had never seen Beck in a tuxedo before, which wasn't that surprising, and while Beck looked handsome in normal, casual attire, what would that mean if he was seen in formal, sophisticated clothing - such as a tuxedo? His tail wagged slightly behind him as his mind wandered now with pensive, yet sensual thoughts and imagines that only Henry Jekyll Demoric would know. "There." The other male's abrupt remark made him snap back to reality as he drew away from him, "You're all suited up and ready to party, brother dearest, looking almost as sharp as your dashing older sibling." Hyde's snide words made Henry roll his eyes while the older hybrid simply grinned at him. Now that they were both in their tuxedos and all ready for the event, Henry gave a small sigh and looked at himself in the mirror for a moment, his face clearly showing how thoughtful he was at the time as his tail swished behind him in a back-and-forth motion. Tonight was the night. This was going to be one hell of a party for him alone.

The raven-haired hybrid glanced at his taller sibling that stood nearby, dragging a small comb through his hair in silence. "Do you have it?" Henry asked him, rather abruptly without any warning or context whatsoever on the manner, but Hyde did not answer him right away, which made Henry grow a little impatient, "I'm serious, is it somewhere safe where it cannot be found until the end of the dance?" This made the older canine-hybrid's gaze flicker over to him as he tilted his head to the side. "What are you talking about? I don't have anything on me except my comb and this tight outfit for the moment." Henry's eyes widened in horror at this, turning to face his brother, "The ring, Hyde, where is the goddamn right? I swear to god if you lost it after I solely trusted you with it-" His slight freak-out was shortly put to a halt once Hyde pinched his lips shut with one hand. "Calm down, I was just joking with you." Hyde said, a slight smirk playing on his expression as he withdrew his hand back to his side, "Yes, I have it with me - box and all in safe keeping. Don't worry about this until the end of the night." With the night only just beginning, Henry knew that, deep down, he should heed his brother's advice and not stress over this, but his mind would not rest for a second right now. "This is just some joke to me, brother, this is really important to me and besides Rebecca, I trust you to help me with this." The raven-haired male urged Hyde, who nodded along to his words with a slight sigh coming from him towards the end. "Henry, I know that. I just don't want you to be stone cold serious the whole night, have some fun! Dance, drink, sing or whatever's your fancy." He insisted on a smile now coming to his face as he patted the youth's shoulder, "You'll do great tonight, I promise, okay? Relax." Henry glared at him for a moment before his gaze softened and yet one more sigh slipped from him. "Alright, alright. You're right, tonight is supposed to be fun and whatnot like Rebecca said it would be." He said, looking at the door, "Let's head outside and wait for them in the hallway." With that being said, both of the brothers shifted into their feral forms without another word exchanged between them. Even in their canine forms, they still wore small bow ties around their necks - Hyde's being red and Henry's been a darkened grey. The two large wolves padded out into the hall now, silently looking around before sitting down now as they would respectfully wait for the Worthington siblings, who were their dates for the dance without question. Henry could feel his heart beating fast within his chest as seconds passed.

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