Chapter 3: To Be Human

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"Give me a human form."

The small canine's abrupt voice sounded from behind Hyde and I as we began to walk into my office to call it a night, but it seemed like Scruffy had beat them to their room before they were able to close the door and head to bed. As tired as I was, the male sounded like he was talking nonsense and I shook my head with a small snort of amusement coming from me as I went further into my small, comfortable office. "Talk to me in the morning, Scruffy, I'm very tired and I want to get some rest so I can be awake to plan for the dance," I said this as a weak attempt to be left alone, which I wouldn't normally do when it came to helping my friends, especially my closest companion in this manor, but I was aching for the soft embrace of my large bed and the warm arms of my boyfriend as dreamland welcomed me until the next morning. Unfortunately, Scruffy wouldn't let me get away that easily, no, he slipped past Hyde's legs and my own to stand in front of me with his lips peeling back to reveal a set of whitened sharp teeth. "This cannot wait until tomorrow! I need this taken care of now before something worse happens and I'm too late!" He barked at me, which made my head pound at the loud sound, so I waved my hand lazily at him, "Alright, alright. For fuck sake, Scruff, it's almost midnight and I really don't need you barking in my face at this time." I said, muttering several things under my breath as I rested a hand on my forehead, walking over to my desk and sitting down in my leather chair with a slight groan stirring from me. I glanced at the tall hellhound who stood nearby and I could tell that he was on the verge of kicking Scruffy out of the room for keeping me away from getting a full night of rest, but I decided that I would deal with this so I wouldn't worry about it at a later date. "Hyde, go to bed while Scruffy and I discuss some things, I'll be there in about thirty minutes or so, I don't honestly know." I said and the male's mouth opened to surely object, but my bicolored gaze hardened ever so slightly, "That is an order from your leader, don't make this any more difficult than it has to be for me. You know how fucking stressed I've been lately." This made him close his trap and then dip his head, not saying anything to me as he did what I told him to. Hyde shifted into his feral form and disappeared into our bedroom, the door quietly shutting behind him as his tail disappeared into the room. With that being said and done, I turned to Scruffy, who was staring at me, already sitting in the chair across from me on the opposite side of my desk. "You better have a good explanation for bothering me at this time of night, Scruffy. I know that I said I would be happy to assist anyone who needed help, but honestly, I didn't expect any creature to come to me at almost eleven thirty."

Scruffy was quiet for a moment before looking down at his paws, obviously pensive about something, but I gave him benefit of the doubt and waited for him to speak. "I know that you are a busy woman these days, Rebecca, and I am sorry for coming to you right now, of all times, but I just need this fixed before I change my mind and let something even worse happen." He said and I raised an eyebrow, "I need you to give me an alternate form, one that is strong, charming and just completely different from what I am now. I'm tired of being like this, just some small puppy that nobody seems to take seriously. I want to be different, I want a different voice, a different look - I want to not be this disappointment any longer." I was silent for awhile after he finished his little rant, resting my hands on my desk in front of me as I laced them together. My gaze was pensive for a moment as I thought this over and then frowned as I looked directly at the male in front of me. "No." I simply said and his eyes widened in shock. "What? Why not?" Scruffy whined, "Please, Rebecca, do this for me." His tone was clearly showing desperation and urgency, but I would need a lot more than that to approve of his request. "Do tell me, Scruffy, who doesn't take you seriously in this manor?" I said and continued before he could even answer himself, "I've always treated you like a close friend and give you your own room in this manor, free to do whatever you want. Beck respects you, quite highly, for protecting his little sister over the years and keeping me afloat. Hyde, the hellhound, broke down in front of you, begging for forgiveness when he dishonored you long ago. Piper, Freddie, Charlie, even Vore are impressed and respect you because you were the first to run at Robin to defend our people when she attacked and I was not here." I was growing slightly aggravated in my tone, but that did not stop me from going on with this now, "Just because one person, who hardly knows you, tells you off for being small or weak - do you honestly get set off that badly? Or is there more to this story, hmm? Perhaps more to your goal besides proving a point to the others of this mansion? I'm not an idiot, Scruffy, and I forbid you to treat me like one." My words took him off guard, but I did not regret or take back anything as I said, looking back at him as I now awaited a response with my eyebrows furrowing with slight irritation, but it was mostly because I was often grumpy when I did not get enough sleep. I had been working constantly for the past few days and I did not have time for idiotic things like this without truthful explanations.

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