Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"I am not getting on that death machine!" I exclaimed. He had taken me outside, where a motorcycle, aka, death machine, was waiting. I started running back to the house, and I almost reached the door, before he grabbed my arm.

"Come on!" He whined. "We don't have all day! Just follow me! Please?" He looked at me, almost pleading.

I sighed. "Fine! Ok, ok, you got me! Let's just get this over with!"

He grinned at me in triumph, and then smirked. He got on the motorcycle, and handed me a helmet, which I put it on and adjusted accordingly. I swung my leg over the death machine, and while he started the engine, and I wrapped my arms around him in a death grip. I rested my head on his shoulder, and shut my eyes tightly the whole time. About ten million years later, or at least that's what it felt like, we stopped. I quickly got off the bike, and backed away from it.

"I am never, ever, ever getting on that bike again!" I announced. He just laughed, and I took in my surroundings.

We were in a really, really, dark alleyway, and I could make out some trash bins at the end. "What are we doing in an alleyway? And why is it so dark? It's five in the afternoon, for goodness sakes! What if we get kidnapped? Are you gonna kill me? I'm too young to die!" I started rambling, until he clamped his hand against my mouth.

"Calm down! I'm not a burglar, kidnapper, or serial killer! Just wait a second." I slowly nodded my head and relaxed. He released his hand, felt around the walls, and pushed a certain brick, which must have triggered something, because one of the walls slid aside, revealing a secret door. There was a keypad where the knob should have been, and he typed in the numbers 1509. Easy enough to remember, I thought to myself. That could be useful if I have to escape. He stepped back, and the door opened, and what was inside took my breath away.

"Wow!" I breathed. "This is amazing!" It looked like one of those training camps you see in the movies, except way more high tech. People in lab coats and goggles were scrambling around everywhere, holding things ranging from papers, to what looked like a miniature version of an iPad Mini. Yeah, I know. That small. There were also some people dressed in all black, with backpacks that were super stuffed. Either that, or they were really big.

"Come on!" Nate urged, and started weaving through a bunch of people. Pretty soon, I could only see his black jacket, so I hurried after him, and eventually, the corridor cleared up, so I saw that he was holding one of the doors open for me. I went through the door, and it looked like we were in an office.

There was a man with an eye-patch behind the desk, with 2 seats in front of it. He raised an eyebrow at our presence, but remained silent. Nate sat down in one of the chairs, and I cautiously walked in after discreetly inspecting the wooden chair, and sat down.

"Natalie, what are you and your friend doing in here?" He rasped. Natalie? I started laughing hysterically, and noticed that he blushed profusely and coughed.

"I was supposed to be a girl, apparently! According to my mum, anyways!" He tried to defend, but I wasn't having it. I just kept on laughing until Eye-Patch Guy (that's what I call him) cleared his throat.

"Again, what are you and your friend doing here?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm Alex Stone, and according to Natalie, my mother's a secret agent that has apparently gone MIA." I snickered when I said Natalie. I placed my hand in front of me for him to shake. He dismissed my hand, so I placed it back in my lap.

"Wait, Stone? As in Rebecca Stone? She's gone missing?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" He bellowed, slamming his hands on the table, and leaning forward.

I shrunk back, and quietly whispered, "I don't know."

"Sir, calm down! You're scaring her!" Nate (yes, I still call him that) exclaimed. I shot him a grateful smile, and he smirked in reply.

Eye-Patch Guy sighed, and I just hung my head down, trying to make myself as small as possible, which is hard for a 5'6 girl.

"You probably don't even know what's going on, do you?" He asked me. I smiled sheepishly and shook my head.

He sighed again, which I noticed he does a lot, and said, "Well, might as well start at the beginning."


So that was one of my longer chapters, and I hope that it was kinda funny. No? *Sigh* at least I tried.


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