Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I was speechless. We had just gotten out of the airport, and the sight was breath-taking. We were standing in the middle of a busy street, everybody hustling anywhere and everywhere, and I could literally smell crepes! Brian waved a taxi over, and we dropped our suitcases in the back. Brendan surprised me by being able to speak fluent french, and held a conversation with the taxi driver all the way to the hotel. Nate and I spoke in hushed whispers, just talking about other stuff in the agency.

"How in the world did you convince him to let you go on the mission?" He asked. "He rarely ever listens to me when I have my opinion in a conversation, let alone convincing him of what he believes is wrong!"

"Well, let's just say he underestimated my shooting skills." I grinned at him cheekily.

He smirked and challenged, "I bet mine are better than yours!"

"Yeah, right! Mine are way better!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!"

The rest of the car ride consisted of our quiet bickering in the back, Brian just watching the view out the window, and the French conversation in front. When we got to our hotel, my breathing hitched. We were at a 3-story glass building that sparkled in the sunlight, and it looked spectacular! But I was kind of confused. If we were in a mission, should we be drawing attention to ourselves? I repeated my question to Nate, and he chuckled.

"This hotel may seem kinda flashy, but the enemy expects us to be in the shadows, which is why they'll never suspect us being in a big hotel. We have fake ID's, and yours should be in the bag." Sure enough, it was in one of the smaller pockets.

Name: Sandra Robins

DOB: May 22, 1997

Hair: BWN

Eyes: HZL

Sex: F

HT: 5'7

WT: 110 lbs.

CTY: 0

Issue Date: 06/03/13

And a bunch of other stuff that I didn't really understand. There was one thing that confused me, though.

"Wait, if I'm doing the math correctly, I'm 17 years old according to this ID. I'm only 13. How am I going to pass for a 17 year old?" I asked.

"You're tall enough to pass for a short 17 year old, and with a bit of makeup, you'll look like one too. The receptionist at the desk won't pay attention to you, so we'll have time to do the makeup later." Brendan answered. He was right. The receptionist was too busy flirting with Brian that she didn't notice the awkward girl at the end of the group.

"You guys are in rooms 202, and 203. Have a nice stay! Maybe we can chat later?" The last bit was directed at Brian, but he brushed it off.

"Nah, we're actually here for business, so probably not." He shrugged as if to say, what can you do? She looked disappointed, but didn't say anything.

Nate and I took room 202, and the twins took room 203. The room was just as pretty as the rest of the hotel. 2 twin sized beds were at opposite corners with a window between them, and the room had a nice, homey feeling. Once we settled in, a wave of exhaustion came over me, so I grabbed a tank top and some comfy plaid pants, and headed to the restroom on the opposite side. After changing, I mumbled a goodnight to Nate, and drifted off to sleep.


It is completely dark. I can't see a thing, except for the creepy white mist surrounding me. Where is mom? I wonder. "Mom! Are you here?" I walk forward, when the mist clears, and I see a horrible sight in front of me. Mom is covered in blood, with gashes everywhere, and the skin I can see is ghostly pale. "Mom!" I cry out. I drop to my knees and try to cover her wounds. I start sobbing, and I see someone behind me. It is a big, scary man, with dark, lifeless eyes, holding a bloody knife...

I woke up screaming. I started breathing heavily, and Nate was shaking me.

"Alex? Are you okay?" Nate was hovering over me, his eyes full of worry.

I darted my eyes here and there, taking in my surroundings, and sagged my shoulders in relief. "Just a bad dream." I assured him.

"Are you sure?" He wasn't buying it. I suddenly burst into tears, and Nate took me in his arms and started rubbing my back soothingly. "It's fine. Everything will be okay." He whispered calming words in my ear.

"But, but w-what if mom isn't ok?! What if she is dead?!" I started sobbing again. He kept whispering reassuring words, and soon enough, I fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up, and saw Nate lightly snoring beside me. He suddenly shot his eyes open, and gave me a lazy smile. "Morning." He mumbled.

I smiled, "Thanks for... Being there yesterday." I awkwardly finished. "I'm sure it wasn't what you'd expect in the middle of the night."

He smirked and replied, "No problem. Besides, I got an embarrassing photo of you, so I'd say it was a pretty productive night!"

My eyes could not have gotten wider. "What?!" I shrieked. He waved his phone in front of me. It was a picture of me with my hair every which way, my mouth hanging open with a thin line of drool hanging from my chin. My eyes bugged out even wider if that was even possible, and I tried to grab his phone. "Delete it, you jerk!" He got up from the bed and started running.

"Never!" He literally started laughing maniacally. He stopped at the door and held his phone up high in the air. I couldn't reach it, even with my height, and he couldn't stop laughing at my pathetic attempts.

"Ugh! Fine! But if anybody besides you and I see it, you won't live to see the next day!" I threatened as menacingly as I could.

"No promises." He replied smugly. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he could be so annoying!

Then I thought of something, and grinned at him. "Are you sure about that, Natalie?"

His eyebrows shot up, and he looked at me warily. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, I would, trust me. Unless of course... Truce?" I held out my hand, and he reluctantly shook it.

We geared up, ate room service breakfast, which was quite delicious, and met Brian and Brendan outside the hotel rooms.

"Ready?" Brian asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied confidently. I wasn't too worried, because all we had to do was sneak in, look around, and sneak out. How hard could it be?


*Squeals* That is my longest chappie! I'm sooooooo happy! Haha! That reminds me of the song Happy! Anybody else love that song?


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