Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I had my eyes already squinted, ready to block the sun when woke up, but when I didn't feel a glare, my eyes popped open, and I sat up on my bed. Correction, a bed I've never seen before in a room I've never seen before. The room was smaller than the one at home, and the furniture was all white... Literally, all white! The walls and floor were white, the dresser was white, the bed was... Brown? Ok, never mind! I tried to rack my brain as to why I was here and then all the events of yesterday came rushing back to me. I got off the bed, and stretched my sore muscles, yawned really loudly, and saw a note on the table. I quickly skimmed it.

Good morning, sleepy head! I'm going to keep this message short and sweet. Don't go out of the room unless someone tells you to. The dresser has every thing you need. Press one of the buttons, and the thing you need will be in the left drawer.


I stumbled over to the dresser, and looked at my reflection. I had bed head, great, I'm never gonna be able to get the tangles out of my hair!, and my eyes had dark circles around the rim, indicating I didn't sleep well, but other that I looked fine.

Whoa! There were a whole bunch of buttons on the dresser! Oh... Wait, Nate mentioned that. My stomach growled, so I pressed the breakfast button, and then a new panel of buttons showed up, with breakfast choices. I pressed pancakes, and then I waited. 5 seconds later, I heard a ding, but nothing happened. I looked back at the note and... Oh! I opened the left drawer, and in there, much to my amazement, were a stack of pancakes on a tray, with a whole bunch of toppings on the side.

This is amazing! I could get used to this. I picked the tray up, and placed it on the table. I looked back in the drawer, and there was a fork and knife with napkins. I took the fork, took a bite of the pancakes, and let out a soft moan. They were absoutely heaven! I quickly gobbled the rest up, and put the dishes in the area labeled, disposal.

I decided to explore the room, and opened one of the doors, which lead to... My very own bathroom! I squealed, and went inside. It was then that I realized that I reeked! I locked the door, stripped down, and jumped into the shower. I showered, and next to it was a rack with a white, fluffy robe. It wasn't my pink unicorn robe from home, but it'd have to do. I slipped it on, and threw my wet hair into a messy bun.

I headed back to the dresser and viewed through the range of buttons. I picked the one labeled clothes, and waited to hear the soft ding. After I got dressed in a purple Aeropostale shirt and pair of pants, and ran a comb through my dark, tangled curls, there were 2 soft knocks on the door. Nate barged in without waiting for a reply, and said, "Alex, they have a lead on your mum. They might've found her!"


So, Alex's got a bit of hope. We all need it once in a while. Beware! My computer is typing random words on its own! Potato! Unicorn! Death!


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