Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I know you're probably confused. You see, my dad used to be one of the best dads ever. He'd take care of me, and we used to go to the ice cream store every Friday. At least, until he left my mom and I on my eighth birthday. I never saw him again after that, until today.

He looked at me in confusion, when the realization must have dawned on him because he looked at me in recognition and shock. Complete and utter shock.

"Alex? What you doing here?" He asked slowly in a deep voice that I almost didn't recognize.

"I-i..." I stuttered, when I noticed footsteps gaining on me.

I heard huffing and puffing behind me and whipped my head around so fast I was surprised I didn't get whiplash. It was the guard, and I noticed that he looked out of shape. He had a black and red uniform with a leather belt equipped with a gun, taser, knife, and some other things I don't really wanna mention, and all the guards here had it. Now that I think about it, my dad had almost the same one, except more... Evolved, sorta.

The guard's eyes widened at the sight of my dad, and he immediately straightened up and... Get this... He freaking saluted him! I burst out laughing, the guard and my dad' sees narrowed.

"Alex, I'll ask again. What are you doing here?!" He bellowed.

"S-sir? Y-you see, I'm in charge of guarding her, and she sort of escaped." The guard hesitantly stammered.

"What?! How did she escape?!" He shouted.

He started shouting profanities and insults at the guard, and during that time, I slipped past them and made a break for it. A whole bunch of questions were running through my mind regarding my dad's presence at this sick place. I noticed some shadows and I quickly hid behind a curtain. Yeah, I know, there probably shouldn't be a lot of windows at some sort of secret hide out, but they probably weren't thinking right, considering they're a bunch of creepy people, that steal people's mom for no reason, those no good... Ok, I'm getting a bit angry at them as you can see, but that's beside the point.

"Let go of me!" I heard a very familiar voice. I peeked behind the curtain and saw Nate, Brendan, and Brian struggling against 5 guards because their hands were in handcuffs.

"Hey! The girl escaped!" A guard came from down the hall and shouted, "Boss says we gotta find her! Leave no stone unturned!"

Nate smirked, and shouted, "Heck yeah! There's Alex for ya!" He shouted down the corridor. I smiled and quietly took out my back up gun from my shoe, and shot 2 guards down easy. The other three darted their heads here and there, looking around with a calculating glare. I hid behind the curtains again, and when the guards started moving closer to the curtains, I shot 2 others down, and the last one unveiled the curtain, revealing me. I quickly kneed his prized jewels and he winced, and groaned. I used that to my advantage and pulled the trigger on him, and I flinched when he dropped to the ground. Nate, Brian, and Brendan looked at me in admiration.

"I knew you were good at this kind of stuff, but I didn't realize you were that good!" Brendan exclaimed.

"Yeah, my mom taught me some stuff for defense when I was seven..." I trailed off.

"Seven?! I started the agency when I was 14! How did you remember that stuff?" I shrugged.

"I have really good memory. Still think your better than me?" I directed the last question at Nate, as I searched the guards for the keys to the handcuffs.

He smirked and replied, "I could probably take on 20 guards if given the chance!" I looked at him and disbelief, shook my head, and continued searching.

Found them! I twirled the keys around my fingers, and let Brian and Brendan free.

"Well, looks like we're done. Let's go find my mom, boys!" I started walking down the corridor.

"Wait! You haven't unlocked my handcuffs!" Nate ran down the hall to catch up with me.

"But since you can take on twenty men, shouldn't you be able to get out of handcuffs?" I asked him in a sweet voice, with fake confusion laced in my tone. He looked at me in frustration, and groaned.

"Seriously? Just take the handcuffs off!"

"So you don't know how to take your handcuffs off?"

"... No?" He answered hesitantly.

"So that means you can't take on twenty men!" I concluded triumphantly. "All you have to do is say, 'Alex is better than Nate at everything' and I'll free you of your handcuffs."

He looked around, and I saw Brian and Brendan looking at us with amusement, but other than that, the hallway was completely empty. Wait, why hadn't any of the guards noticed us? I shrugged it off, because I was waiting for Nate's answer. He sighed, and mumbled something incoherent.

"What was that? I didn't hear you!" I sang.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He asked. I beamed at him. "Fine. Alex is better than Nate at everything!" He quickly shouted. I did a little dance, and then freed him of his cuffs.

"Finally!" He relaxed.

"Well, well. That took you long enough. Now I can finally get rid of you! Just so you know, I enjoyed your little show!" I whipped around, and my eyes widened. A woman was smirking, with what looked like fifty guards behind her. It was the same voice as the one on the walkie talkie thingy! My dad was next to her, with a malicious smile on his face.

"Honey, why don't you meet my new wife?" Dad put his arm around her shoulder.


Another twist! Well, I can safely say that things are getting pretty heated. I'm so happy, because I'm finally done with finals for school! Love ya!

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