Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I swear, my jaw could not have dropped lower. However, the boys looked baffled.

"What? Why is he calling you honey? Who is he? How do you know him?" The boys all started shouting random questions at me, but I couldn't take my eyes off of my dad and... Her.

"Honey, I'm insulted. Why haven't you introduced us to your friends yet? I'm still your dad, aren't I, sweetie?" He drawled, an absolutely cruel grin on his face, but he looked like he was enjoying this. The boys stopped spouting questions, and they just stared, still really surprised.

I suddenly noticed a flash of blond hair out of the corner of my eyes, and I tensed. Nate, Brian, and Brendan must've noticed too, because they immediately stiffened. Dad noticed our weird actions and raised an eyebrow, but by that time, somehow all 50 men were knocked out. Standing behind my dad and... Her, was a bloody and bruised, but surely alive Rebecca Stone. Wow, now I know why my mom's an amazing agent. She took out fifty freaking men, without barely making any noise!

"Mom!" I cried out, at the same time Nate, Brian, and Brendan shouted in unison, "Rebecca!" Mom smiled at the boys, but went rigid when she took in the sight of me. Then her eyes held absolute fury.

"Jeff, why is Alex here?!" Mom asked, her voice pure venom as she had a stare down with dad.

"Simple. She snuck in here, so I got to capture her." Dad's voice was completely calm. "Rebecca, I'd like you to meet Charlotte, my new-" He only got that far before mom sucker punched him to the ground.

"Go mom!" I cheered, and joined in the action.

The guys quickly followed, and surpassed me. Dad was against Brian, Brendan, and mom, while Nate and I took on... Her. I didn't want to say her name, or I'd feel absolutely disgusted. I took out my gun, but she kicked it out of my hands, and out of reach. Nate punched her in the stomach, but she didn't look effected at all. In fact, it was Nate who looked in immense pain. He shook his hand, and took out his gun. While she was distracted with him, I pinned her to the ground, with me on top. We were rolling around on the ground, and soon enough she had me pinned to the ground with my neck in a death grip. Nate yanked her up by her hair, and she let out a blood-curdling scream and immediately let go of my neck. I gasped for air, and watched Nate knock her out with a tranquilizer.

I looked over at the other battle, and saw that Brian and Brendan were unconscious, and my dad was holding my mom captive with a gun aimed at her head. My eyes widened, and I picked up the gun from the ground and aimed it at dad, but my hand was trembling.

"D-dad? Don't shoot mom, or..." I looked at the ground, and saw... her. "O-or, I'll shoot her!" I exclaimed.

Dad was smirking, and replied, "Go ahead, shoot her. I don't care." My eyes enlarged, and my mouth was about to open in shock.

"You don't care that she'll shoot your wife?!" Nate asked, incredulous.

"Of course not, I was done with her anyway." That's when I realized that this wasn't my dad. My dad wouldn't do this, he cared about people's feelings. Once, we got the new xbox game, and a little kid was crying because he couldn't get it, so he gave it to him, free of charge. No, this certainly wasn't my dad. This man in front of me was a phsychopath. A complete savage.

I slowly took my hand up, and directed the gun at the demon's face. My look was cold, calculating, and I didn't feel any emotions. His expression didn't change, and he confidently said, "Alex, you wouldn't shoot me. I know it. You're too nice. You wouldn't shoot your own father, would you?"

"You're not my dad. My dad died 5 years ago, when he left mom and I. You, sir, are a complete monster." My voice was toxic, absolute poison, and I cocked the gun, now aiming it at where the bastard's heart should have been, but since he didn't have a heart, I was gonna have to live with letting the bullet go through his stomach. My mom had a look of admiration, and even though she was struggling against his grip, she gave me a faint smile. His expression faltered, and now he looked at me in fear.

"N-now A-Alex, let's not make any rash decisions here," he chuckled nervously. "I-I'll shoot your mom I-if you don't put the gun down..." I examined his expression from a far distance, but by the glint in eyes, something was wrong. That's when I realized it. His gun was empty. He didn't refill it when he was shooting blindly, and that's why he was scared all of a sudden. So I took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger.


Bah-Bam! And that, ladies and gentleman, is how we do it! Ok, I'm thinking to do the epilogue after this and be done with this story. I am soooooooo excited to get my first actual story done!


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