All of Me

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I've never really kissed anyone before so I don't know how to act the day after. I think I should just pretend like nothing ever happened or the kiss didn't mean anything to me. It actually meant a lot. When the guys left I woke up from my fake sleep and Had Hayes keep me from Thinking about the kiss. None of the guys know about my crush on Taylor but I decide to tell Hayes because he gives pretty good advice for a 13 year old.

"I think you should tell him that you like him." Hayes said

"I cant what if he doesn't like me back" I asked

"How could he not like you, you're beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have you." Mom tells me the same thing. I don't believe them because If I was beautiful I would have had every guy wrapped around my finger.

Hayes went on about me being beautiful and how I need to stop being insecure about everything and go after what I want. Maybe he was right. I don't know when or how i'm going to do it but one day, I will tell him how I feel. If He doesn't feel the same way i guess I'll just have to accept that.

The next morning I woke up earlier then I should. I took a shower and decided to do something nice for the boys and make them breakfast. I walked to the nearest grocery store and got the things I needed. I made scrambled eggs with garlic bread it might sound nasty but it is really good then I made pancakes for those who didn't like eggs and put coco puffs cereal out for the ones who didn't like eggs or pancakes. 2 hours later the boys were still sleeping. it was only 10:30 I didn't want to wake  them they were probably tired from last night but I was feeling lonely so I went to Cameron and Nash's room and start banging on the door. Cameron opens the door looking like a walking zombie. He was shirtless  so I might have gotten distracted by his abs and forgot what I was there for .

"What do you want Diana?" Cameron asked. Damn his morning voice is so sexy

" Wake up sleepy head. you have a long day ahead of you. I made breakfast so just get dressed and come to my room. same goes to Nash." I told them and walked over to the next door. It was Jack and Jack's room. They were both hard sleepers I was knocking the door for 2 minutes until Jackson opens.

" Wake up get dressed and come to my room for breakfast!"  I walked over to the other guys room. I didn't know who was in there but I knocked anyway. Little did I know that it was Taylor and Shane's room.  Taylor opens... " Yes beautiful." He said.... He called me beautiful Omg !!

" Wake Shane up and tell him breakfast in my room. same goes to you." I walk away before he says anything else to make things less awkward. This was going to be a long day.

The guys finally came after 45 mins. Everyone seemed to enjoy their breakfast. Taylor and I haven't talked yet so I guess its a good thing.

"So what's up with you and my boy Taylor." Nash asked.

"Nothing why?" I said

"Well it doesnt seem like nothing by he way you guys were making out last night." He said

"That was a friendly Kiss and you guys basically forced us." I said.

"No one can force you to do anything you don't wan't to do." Nash said. He was write. I can't be lame anyone for the kiss that happened between me and Taylor.

Later that evening. The Boys had Magcon. I went there with them but I wasn't on stage. I was actually part of the crowd. These girls are crazy and they are so loud I feel like I'm going to go deaf. One of them started crying because Mahogany pulled her up to the stage. Taylor performed his song 'Buckwild'. His fans knew every word to the song. I was impressed when he was done he did something that I never thought he would do.

"Ladies welcome to the stage my crush Diana Washington." He said pointing at me. Some of the girls started chanting my name and some looked at me like i was a piece of crap. I was used to those kind of stares from school but something about their stares bothered me. Do they think I'm not good enough for Taylor or I'm not pretty enough?

I slowly walked on stage nervous as I could ever be.

" Okay before you guys start misjudging her. Let me just say she's really sweet once you get to know her. She's funny and awesome and I couldn't ask for a better crush. Did I forget to mention that she's also a really good singer. Diana sing to me please darling."  he said. I was blushing so hard I'm pretty sure I looked like a fat tomato right now. I didn't want to reject Taylor in front of his fans so I decide to sing

" Umm share what song." I asked

"All of me." he said

I've once sang that song to Taylor and he's been trying to get to sing it again ever since.

" What would I do without your smart mouth drawing me in and you kicking me out you've got me head spinning no kidding I can't pin you down." I stared into Taylor's eyes throughout the whole song. I felt like I was dedicating the song to him.

Surprisingly the girls started clapping for me and the mean glares were no longer there. Some of them asked for a picture and for a paragraph I don't even know why. I wasn't special or anything and I wasn't even apart of Magcon but it felt good knowing they liked me.

Magcon is finally over and we're back at the Hotel. I tried pulling Taylor aside to talk about what he said on stage but people keep on distracting. I guess I'll never find out if he actually meant it when he called me his crush or if he was just playing with the girls head. I needed to know. its been spinning on my mind all day!!

* Did you like this chapter ? do you like the story so far? Is it boring? Let me know what you think. your opinion matters to me. tweet me your thoughts @OMGitsXalimaa if you tweet me that you've read it I'll follow you I promise. I just really need your feedback!* also can someone make a cover for my story please. I suck at editing pics *

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