It's Too Late to Apologize

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How you you ever been asked out by someone that you've liked for a really long time and You say yes and all of a sudden the feeling is just not there anymore because the relationship is not how you imagined it would be. I always thought being Taylors girlfriend would feel like winning a Grammy award but now that I am his girlfriend it feels pretty much the same as not being his girlfriend . I Don't even feel like his girlfriend yet. I can't look at Taylor the same way anymore after what I saw at the beach. No one just randomly starts smuggling with someone just because they asked. You don't see me going up to Jack G and asking for a cuddle now do you? No Exactly . That was probably the worst excuse someone could ever give. I'm trying to let it go but at the same time I can't. its just not possible. I haven't talked to Nash ever since the event even though he's my roommate. I barley see him. He comes back but to the room when I'm asleep and he leaves before i even wake up.I don't know if he's mad at me or not because I didn't even bother asking. I'm such a horrible person. I was wrong for leading him on. I was going through my twitter and came across Nash's tweet. "Just remember , I was there when no one else was" Hmmm. Is he talking about me . I kept scrolling and see another One "I tripped and fell into some feelings, and I'm not okay with it." Yup! This was definitely for me. I went to my profile and tweeted "Is it too late to apologize? if it's not I hope you know that I'm truly sorry." I started creeping on fans and following and retweeting some then someone was knocking my door. "Who is it" I said "Room service " I hear a disguised voice. "I'm sorry I didn't order room service"

"Girl open the damn door." I heard Taylor voice. I open the door and there he was with Donuts and Starbucks! I'm not like those white girls who's crazy obessed with Starbucks but I do think that their coffee is the best. "Delivery for Ms.Washington." He said handing me the box of donuts. "Awe Taylor you didn't have too" I said. Actually he did if he wanted to make Me feel special that was probably the only way. "But I wanted to" He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. This reminds me of the day he brought me roses and sweets. He came in closing the door after him. "So who is it that you're apologizing to on twitter?" He asked. "Someone" I told him. "and that someone is...."

"Thy shall not say" I started speaking in Shakespeare cause I know how much he hates it. "Oh so we're keeping secrets now?"

"Taylor stop its not even like that. Its just a friend that I did something bad to and I had to apologize"

"Is that sooo?"

"Yes you stupid" I said

"Awe babe I'm so sorry for tripping on you like that. forgive me?" He said walking him to me and holding me by the waist.

"Of course" I said

He doesn't say anything. He's big brown eyes were locked into mine. He brings his hand up to cup my cheeks. He leans in and pressed his lips against mine. His lips were soft but urgent Our lips moved in union. I can't say that I liked it because I did. Actually no I didn't like it I loved it. Kissing turn into make out session and now he was on top of me. I didn't let him touch me in any of my body parts because I Wasn't really ready for all of that . 3 minutes and we were still making out. He's kisses made me feel something I've never felt before and His kisses made me make sounds that I never thought that I could make. We were still making out untill  Nash Walks in and cuts us off guard. GUILTY! "Ummm. I'm sorry I didn't realize I was interrupting something I'll just leaves " He says walking out the room. he looked like he was pretty upset I can't help but run after him. " Wait Naaashhh!" I call out for him. He ignores me and keeps walking "Naaash!!"

"WHAAAT?!?!?!" He yelled. I can tell he was irritated by me

"I'm sorry okay! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Ha! you're sorry huh"

"Yes I am!"

"WHAT IS SORRY GONNA DO? IS SORRY GONNA MAKE ME A BILLIONAIRE? NO! IS SORRY GONNA GIVE ME ANYTHING I WANT ? NOO! HOW ABOUT THIS! WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCKING BREAK A GLASS AND SAY SORRY TO IT AND LETS SEE IF IT FIX ITSELF CAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID TO ME! YOU KNOW I ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT BUT YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE REST!!"  and then he walks away without saying anything else. And this is exactly why I didn't want to say Yes to Taylor. I knew something like this was going to happen and that I was going to hurt someone. How did I let Hayes talk me into this.

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