Hang out

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The next day, I woke up determined to look the best that I could . I picked out the nicest pair of jeans that I have and a really cool tye dye shirt because I know how much Taylor loves them. My plan was to just act careless as if him not showing up didn't bother me. I packed my stuff for school. I wasn't really hungry so I grabbed an Apple and ate it on my way. When I arrived at school. I noticed Ari sitting at our usual spot on the stairs and talking to some guy. I can't really tell who it was because his back was facing me but he had something familiar on his head. A Bandana. There's only one guy that I know that wears bandanas. Taylor.

I walked up to where they were

"Hey Ari, Hey Taylor" I said smiling. Why was I smiling ? I don't even know.

"Hey Diana Can I talk to you?" He asked


"Listen I'm so sorry about yesterday. Something came up." He said

"Its Okay." I told him. Actually its not okay. 

"No its not. How can I make it up to you ." He asked

"You don't have too" I said. All you have to do is kiss me and Everything will be alright but of course I don't say.

"but I want to. Meet me by my locker 10 mins after the bell rings. and If you don't show up just know that I'll find you" He said walking away not giving me a chance to say what I want.


My last few classes has been nothing but a blur. I've been debating on weather I should meet Taylor or ditch him like he ditched me. A part of me really wants to go. I've been dreaming about this moment for years but then the other part of me is telling me no ! He probably only asked because he felt sorry for me. 20 more mins till lunch then 6th period , I need to come to a conclusion ASAP! I heard the bell ring. What? how is that possible? It was just 11:30 A minute ago I'm so caught up in my thoughts I cant even keep up with time. I Grabbed my stuff and try to find my best friend. I have no class with her so I only see her during lunch. I saw Ari at our table. I rushed to her. "Omg Ari I need your advice?" I said. "So yesterday Taylor was supposed to meet me at the library to talk about our project but instead he ditches me and this morning he asked me to meet him at His locker after school but I dont know if I should go or not what if he ditches me Again?!?!" I said really fast almost out of breath

"Okay honey first of all you need to breath and second I think you should go. Just don't show up at the exact time he said . show up like 5 mins later and act like you forgot."

Wow. She's such a bad advisor but I like it. I think I might go.

"Okay. I'll think about it." I told her.

The was our last conversation about Taylor. The rest of lunch we basically just talked about her crush on my brother which was gross but I had nothing against it. I would love to have her as my sister in law.

My next class was English. I was nervous to see Taylor. I haven't seen him all day since this morning. I walked in class and there was no one there just yet. I took a seat at my usual chair and started on the bell ringer. 2 minutes later the bell rang. I looked around the classroom Taylor wasnt there. I was kind of relieved untill he walks in class. Oh great. this should be fun.

"get into your groups and discuss what you're going to Do. remember you only have a week to work on this. I expect you to put in a lot of work and take it serious" Ms.Tyler said.

Taylor sits across from me at a small sound table. I expected him to say something but he didn't say anything. He keeps giving me nervous glances. " So I was thinking we could do a power point for the project?" I finally said

"That sounds cool" He says.

"Okay well You find the pictures and I'll type the essay and do the rest"

He sighs "Okay" He doesn't seem like himself today. What Is wrong with him. He was always the loud hypered kid but he seemed so down.

"Is everything okay?" I ask

" Yess everything is fine. Its just that I really feel bad about yesterday. I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me. Im a really sweet guy once you get to know me."

Awe That's sweet. He cares about what I think of him.

"Taylor I already told you its okay. I forgive you."

"Okay I hope so. "

We talked about our project and He told me a little about himself. Its unbelievable how much we have in common. He has a passion for music and so do I. He was really weird and awkward in a good way.

The bell rings and its time to go.

"See you in 10 mins" Taylor said.

I can't believe this. The moment I've been waiting for is finally here!

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