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Sadly I won't get to see Taylor today. I have a dentist's appointment to get braces. My teeth aren't really that crooked its just that I have alot of spaces between them and it makes me look weird also Taylor has braces too. Now we can be braces buddies. so I'm kind of happy about getting them

After my braces were in . my mouth feels weird. I look at my self in the mirror.... Glasses .... Braces.... now I'm a compete nerd.  I just hope that I can pull it off like Taylor .

I arrived home and there were a basket of goodies on my front porch with a note that had my name on it . I grabbed the note first. it reads " missed you at school today. Hope you're okay. - Taylor"

"oh my good mom!!!" I started screaming forgetting all about the pain from the braces.

"What is it sweetie?" She asked..

"Mom he send me chocolates candies and cookies with a note!!" The basket had skittles, M&ms brownies lollipops and many more. If I try to eat all of this I might end up with a cavity.

"I'm happy for you honey" Mom said

I literally can't stop smiling right now. My mouth and cheeks are in pain but I can't stop myself from smiling. wait is this real ? am I dreaming? did Taylor really send me a goodie basket or is it a joke? it must be one why would he send me something its not like I was special or anything or maybe he is just trying to be friendly . Whatever reason it was I don't care. I am just happy!

I give the goodie basket to my brother and his friends who were in his room playing video games but I decide to keep the Note. I grab one of my picture frames and put it in there. I can be such a creep but this note is too good for the trash can.

I take my laptop and search for more of Taylor's video. Their so addictive its crazy. I was watching them until I realized its 10:30 which means bedtime! I skipped dinner because my mouth is still in pain.

The next morning I woke up did my morning routine but i can't find anything to wear. ever since Taylor started talking to me I've been worrying alot about my clothes and what I wear. I decided to wear a purple skinny jeans with a plain black T-shirt with black vans. This is should do it. Its a comfortable outfit and it shows that I'm not trying too hard like other girls.

I asked mom to take me to school cause I don't feel like walking. While she was driving she kept on going on and on about something she saw on the news last night about a missing child. I wasn't really listening. I was still thinking about the note and goodies Taylor sent me.

My mom dropped me off at school

Ari told me she wasn't going to be at school today so I will be aloner all day with no friends.

I got to my locker and there were a single rose there with no name or anything on it so I really dont know who its from. I don't know if this was a joke or anything so I try to not make a big deal out of it. I grab my science book for first period and start walking to class. I passed by Taylors classroom. I saw him arm wrestling with some kid. He's not the strongest kid but I'm pretty sure he'll win that match. I try to walk by fast before he saw me but I guess I wasn't fast enough because he saw

me. I try to play it off and just walk away but he called.

"Yes Taylor." I said

"so I had a question about the Project and the pictures you wanted me to print out but I couldn't find a way to contact you. do you Mind if you give me your number?"

"sure" I said. I don't really believe that he had any questions. He just needed an excuse to get my number.

I put my number on Taylors phone and walk away before the bell rings

I got to class 2 seconds before the bell rings. this is something new for me I'm never late to class. I take my seat and my phone starts vibrating. Who is texting me when I'm in class. I check the number. I don't recognize this number it said

unknown :Hey beautiful.

Me : Hey who's this ? 

unknown: Taylor. who else?

Me: oh hey

Taylor: I have a request but before you say no I want you to think about it

Me: Okay what is it?

Taylor: meet me at lunch. And I'll tell you .

I wonder what he had to tell me.

"Ms. Washington is there something you want to share with the class" Mr.Brown asked.


"Okay put it up before I take it up" Mr. Brown

"Ooooooohh" the class murmurs.

I never looked up from my book since that incident. I was too embarrassed. Lesson Learned I'm never texting in class again. I blame it all on Taylor. but I wonder what his request was. He seemed serious. I hope its not something serious.

Science class finally ended. I grabbed my stuff and quickly walked out of class.

Its finally lunchtime and I'm way too excited. I spot Taylor talking to his friend. I don't go to him. I wait for him to notice me and when he finally did he walks towards me.

"Hey" He said

"You know how long I've been waiting for you?" I asked

"Well I didn't know. I'm sorry" he said

We found a empty table and Taylor sat across from me.

"So what is your request?" I asked

" Magcon is starting next week We're having a tour and I want you to come with me. We will be on spring break and you won't even miss any classes. its a great opportunity to meet new people and explore the country. I promise you you're going to love it but before you say no. just think about it. You have until Monday" Taylor said

"I would love to but i don't think my mom would let me?" I told him

Mom doesnt even let me sleep over at my best friend house she would never let me go out of state with a boy I barley know.

"I knew you would have some excuse but think about it. You might regret it if you say no."

"Okay I'll think about it" I told him

I kind of wanted to go but I don't know. I have to beg mom to let me go, she will probably make me write her 50 reasons for why I should go.

" I didn't know you had braces" Taylor said. staring at me

"I just got them"  I told him

"Well you look beautiful" he said I started to blush

"BTW thanks for the basket" I told him.

The rest of lunch he explained to me what will happen at Magcon and the activities that they are going to be doing it seems fun. Now I really want to go

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