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If there's one thing I've learned about Beast Boy over these few years I've been with him, it's that he's way more enthusiastic than me.

He was shoving clothes in my suitcase left and right, making my room look like a tornado had struck it. All I did was sit back, and go through the things I thought I lost, but were just well hidden under the junk in my room,"Slow down, babe." I chuckled.

  "Sorry, Sorry." Gar said. I started calling him that instead of Beast Boy, because everyone else called him Beast Boy. It wasn't very special to me,"I'm just really excited. You're finally going to college!"

  "Finally?" I lifted my head from an old photograph of when Bridge was born.

  "Well, you know what I mean." He picked up a pair of my underwear and sniffed. I threw a pillow at him. I told him to stop doing that. His clothes were different from mine,"What did I do?!" He cried out, as the pillow whacked him against the side of his head.

  "Stop smelling my underwear." I said through my teeth. He shrugged, tossed them in the bag and kept digging in my drawers,"Why are you rushing to get me to college anyway?"

  He shrugged,"You're getting your education. Something none of us Titans had the opportunity to get." I frowned at that, but kept my mouth shut on the subject. I've learned what topics really push Gar's buttons,"What are you majoring in?"

"I wanna be a (dream job here)." I nodded my head, setting the picture on my bed and heading over to my drawers where he was.

"They make a lot of money. That's good." He scooted over on the floor, and I took a seat, rummaging through the last drawer,"Am I going to get to visit you?"

"Mhm. And I'm going to get to visit you. I get to make my own schedule to fit me." He grinned at that.

  "Aw, I can't wait for your first visit." He stood up and took my hand, pulling me up with him,"We're gunna throw a party for you, and play video games." He started twirling me around, as if we were dancing. He then pressed my back up against his chest and kissed the back of my ear,"And then when everybody's asleep–" He started nibbling on my earlobe, and I bit my lower lip, "I'm gonna take you to my room. And I'll bend you over and let you have it."

"Mmm, tell me what you're going to let me have." I craned my head a little, squeezing his hands firmly on my torso. One of his hands moved down my hips, aiming between my thighs. He kissed on my neck lightly, and I had to hold in my moans.

"I knew mom should've never let you two close the door." We jumped apart, and Bridge stood with one of her hands on her hips, shaking her head,"Tsk tsk, sad." I rolled my eyes, and flicked her nose. She hated that. She huffed, scrunching her still cute little nose up and going to sit on my bed.

  "Not my fault I love her." Gar shrugged. She rolled her eyes and leaned back.

  "But you can keep your penis in your pants." The word hit me so hard, I stumbled and the picture frame I was holding in my hand tumbled and I struggled to keep it in my palms, bouncing it from hand to hand like a hot potato, until I caught it with both hands and pushed it up against my chest.

  "Bridge!" I shrieked. She shrugged.

  "Third grade has taught me some things." She laughed, falling back on the bed. Lord, wait til she gets in sixth grade. Bridge's hair had gotten longer, and she went from wearing pigtails to now keeping it down and brushed with a headband on. She wore actual clothes instead of a tutu and a rainbow tank top for her outfit every single day. My little six year old sister is now nine and sassy as ever. But, she's still as sweet as she could ever be.

  "Okay.. well, I'm going to bring these bags down to the front door. Then I have to say bye to mom. Gar, can you help?" I asked.

  "Sure thing." He grabbed a bag of his own, and pulled it out behind mine. I lugged the suitcase all the way down the stairs and set it up against the door, and Gar did the same. I heaved a sigh, and turned to see my mother in the kitchen.

"Mom, it's time for me to go." She looked up at me, and I could already see the tears welling in her eyes. She had been holding it in for a long time. I met her halfway and pulled her into a hug.

"Oh, my little baby's all grown up!" She sniffed, planting kisses all over my forehead.

"Alright mom, alright," I chuckled, feeling Bridge squeeze her way into our hug session. She wrapped her arms around me, and buried her face in my shirt. Not long after, Gar pressed up against my back, wrapping his arms around Bridge and I. The only sound that was made in the house was mom's tiny sniffles and the sizzling of the food she was cooking,"I'll miss you guys. I'll come visit whenever I can okay? I promise." I wiped the few tears that had been running down my cheeks and pulled away. The hug group fell away, and Bridge and my mom backed away.

"I'll help put the bags in the car." My mom offered, picking up a light one from the doormat. She opened the door with her foot and lugged it outside. Gar helped her, so it was just Bridge and I. I stooped down to her height.

"I want you to take good care of mom okay?" I told her. Bridge nodded.

"I will." She paused, "I'll miss you. We'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, sis." I wiped the stray tear from her cheek, and stood back up,"I have something for you." I hurried to my room, pushed open my door and pulled the first drawer from my dresser out. I dug around for a while, til I pulled out what I needed and rushed back downstairs,"Mom gave this to me when I was your age. She said it brought good luck. I don't know why I stopped wearing it.." I hooked a necklace around her neck. It was a small silver chain that held a blue dolphin charm. If you flipped it over, cursive words engraved the back.

Love for you that's bigger than the seven seas,
Love, mommy

"Thanks. I love it." She pulled me into another hug. When she let go, I grabbed the last bag and pulled it out towards my car. My mom and Gar stood talking, and they looked as if they were in deep conversation. I pushed the last bag in the back seat of my car and shut the door. Gar's attention snapped towards me and he smiled.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." I smiled sheepishly, hugging my mother one last time,"Take care mom, I'll visit you." She nodded on my shirt, let go and I climbed in the car. I watched as she hugged Gar, and whispered in his ear. He blushed and his ears turned bright pink. He looked towards me with wide eyes, before smiling and looking back at my mom.

When he climbed in the car, he kept his hands in his lap and stared at his feet. I started the car, and began to pull off, waving to my mom from the rear view mirror. Down the road, I turned to Gar who was staring out of the window, his cheeks still darkened, and his hands fidgety.

"What did she say that's got you so nervous?"


Well there's the first chapter of the sequel that I actually want to continue. Sorry about that again, folks lol.

Well, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time!


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