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I found myself sitting on my bed in the dark, staring at a picture of her.

(Y/n) had a broad smile on her face in the photo, with her arms thrown around me effortlessly. The camera was tilted, and the picture came out slightly blurry because of how excitedly we were moving around. I made a goofy grin into the camera, my arms extended outwards as if it were a selfie. Which it was. One of my eyes were closed, and the other was wide open, glancing at her. My tongue hung out slightly, while hers showed fully in her mouth. She was staring at me with the happiest face, and the lighting was perfect, bouncing off her shiny (h/c) hair.

My beautiful girlfriend was no longer with me. Well, metaphorically.

I sighed, setting my forehead in my hands and letting the picture flutter to the floor. It's just four years right? Four years of agonizing pain of not waking up next to her every morning, and instead her waking up next to some hot guy with.. ugh. Dimples. I stood up, irritated, and wandered towards the living room, where Cy sat on the couch concentrating on the tv, and Robin and Star cooked in the kitchen. I grabbed a small tub of tofu from the fridge and a spoon. I opened it, setting the lid on the countertop.

"Hey, BB." Robin greeted me, as I hopped on top of the countertop.

"Hey." I replied nonchalantly, shoving a spoonful in my mouth. It seemed less tastier than usual. Maybe it was because I was in a bad mood.

"Is the friend (Y/n) all settled into the campus of college?" Starfire turned around and asked. She had flour smeared on her face, which Robin probably thought was adorable. I could already see his blush forming.

"Yeah," I slouched.

"You don't seem too happy about it," Cy approached, patting my back lightly. I gave him a smug look. Sometimes he could be a real doofus. And I'm not just saying that because I'm upset. In fact, all of them can be pretty stupid. But they think I have no vocabulary.


"Of course I'm not happy about it!" I slung my tofu around, not caring if I spilled it, "She's out there, learnin' it up with some muscle boy with dimples and I'm stuck here eating soggy tofu and staring at stupid pictures!"

"Well don't you think it's best that you have a little time to yourself? I mean, you're practically always on her heels." Robin rose a finger, and the other nodded in agreement.

"So-freakin'-what?! I love her! And I don't care what you guys think! Because (Y/n) is mine! Not his! Mine!" I hadn't realized I was yelling until all of them were leaning back in surprise. I huffed, stuffed my spoon in my tub and hopped off the counter. I started towards the elevator, "I'm going for a walk."

None of them spoke a word, as I jammed the elevator button, and the doors squeaked open slowly. I stepped in and watched them angrily as the doors closed once again.

I backed up into a corner and slid down, my back pressed against the wall. God, I missed her.

It wouldn't be so long right? In a few weeks, I'll be with her again. I'll be able to hold her and kiss her and tell her I love her.

Why did I feel so useless? Like a lost puppy wandering in the rain looking for it's owner. I felt hopeless. I felt lonely, and I felt heartbroken.

I transformed into a dove, gliding over the crystal waters that surrounded the tower, and soon over the large buildings that crowded the city we protected. I tried my best not to cry, circling over rooftop and people that looked like tiny little ants tramping around, carrying about their day, but I've never longed for a girl like I need (Y/n). She wasn't like anybody else. She was funny, smart, sexy, and all around addictive. That girl was toxic.

I slipped back into my normal form and landed on the soft, cushioned grass beneath me. I was in a park. I breathed in, turning left and right watching colorful disks being tossed around by kids, couples huddling together on park benches either on their own or with a baby carriage near them. I sighed, my head dropping and my eyes staring down at my feet. I wiped the invisible tears from my eyes with the bottom of my palm, and started walking with my head down.

I sat down at the fountain in the center of the park, and stared at the sky colored water inside, the reflection of my face shaking as if it had no physical form. I was moving around so much, I didn't even hear the shriek infront of me, nor did I hear the "watch out!"

The next thing I knew, I was sucking in dirty water and coins instead of air.


Hm, isn't that interesting? Who do you think ran into Gar?

I'm certainly curious (jk why would I be and I'm the author? Bwhahaha, god I'm so evil. T^T)


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